Chapter 28 || Annabeth

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As Annabeth got out of school, she spotted Percy going to the swimming pool, duffel bag already set. She frowned. There wasn't swim practice that day.

"Hey," Thalia said. "I'm heading to the skatepark if you need me. Also, Sally wants you to stay for dinner today, if that's okay with you."

"She doesn't know about Percy?" Annabeth asked incredulously.

"I don't know how Percy would react to us telling Sally he's back. I mean... if he wanted her to know, surely he'd have told her." Thalia shrugged. "Anyways, see you later, Annabeth! Dinner's at 6:30."

Annabeth nodded, frowning, before walking over to the swimming pool. She had to see that seaweed brain after the book he had left in her locker. She spotted him in the pool, chiseled and tan. He was doing laps, his face looking peaceful and happy. For once, he looked similar to how he was when they were younger. Percy spotted her and Annabeth almost jumped when he began to swim over.

"Hey," he said, wiping the water off of his face. "What are you doing here?"

That had to be the nicest greeting Annabeth had ever gotten from him. Puzzled, she responded.

"Oh, I've got nothing else to do today," she said. "I was wondering if you wanted to get some food with me... you know... like some chips from the gas station?"

Percy shook his head.

"There are reasons I... don't go out after school anymore. I mean... there are gangs and dangerous people out there."

"So?" Annabeth sat down this time, dipping her feet in the water. "There've always been gangs in Manhattan. It's nothing different from what it was when we were twelve--"

"Did you read the note?" Percy asked softly, gazing at the rippling blue water.

"Uh... yeah, of course, I did, Seaweed Brain! And I still don't understand why we can't be together if we love each other!"

"Annabeth," Percy breathed. "I love you more than anything in this whole gods damn world. If you were gone, I think I'd die."

"Same here, Percy... But if you love me like that, why can't you be with me?"

"I can't be with you because I love you."

"That makes no sense!" Annabeth sighed, looking at him as he got out of the pool, sitting next to her. She didn't mind if it got her shorts slightly wet. Percy was with her, and that's what mattered. "Percy, you've gotta be hiding something from me! It can't just be that."

"You're right." Percy looked away guiltily. "I am hiding something from you. But I can't tell you. Not if it means potentially killing you in the process."

"I still don't understand, Percy!" Annabeth cried. "I love you! You're literally my everything!"

"You, too, Wise Girl..." Percy had a tear trickling down his face. "But it's because I love you that I have to let you go. Why I have to let you all go. It's because I love you. And sometimes, letting go is the best thing you can do for someone--"

"But you're suffering because of it! We're all suffering because of it! Percy, you can't just love someone and let them go. It's not how life works."

"No, what you have in mind is a fairytale," Percy countered. "This is life, Annabeth. And I know this is best for us--"

"You're wrong, Perseus Jackson. You're so f**king wrong."

"You can believe that, Wise Girl," Percy sighed. "But someday, you'll know why it's practically illegal for us to be together."

"And breaking the rules is what we do," Annabeth said fiercely.

Percy's face was full of emotions as his sea-green eyes stared into hers.

"Oh, gods, please forgive me once..." he muttered as he practically pounced forward, kissing the surprised Annabeth.

Annabeth froze in shock for a second before she melted into the kiss, realizing what was happening. Percy Jackson had just kissed her. And she was kissing back. He was kissing her after he told her they'd never be an item. Her hands played with his hair as his arms wrapped around her waist. She shrieked when she realized they had fell in the pool, but they continued kissing nonetheless.

Both broke to the surface, gasping for breath. Percy sighed, as if he realized what he had just done. He got out of the pool, drying off and walking out of the pool area. Before he left, Annabeth stood there, determined, and yelled.

"I don't care what you say, Seaweed Brain! I know it's possible for the both of us to be together!"

She thought she saw Percy looked over at her, but he had already gone to the lockers. But that didn't matter. Annabeth did a little jump in the air as a grin spread across her face. She had just kissed him. It was possible if that was possible. She ran over to Sally's apartment, knocking.

"Oh, Annabeth, dear!" Sally gasped. "Dear lord, you're wet! What happened?"

"I fell in the school's swimming pool. But don't worry, I'm okay."

"Here," Sally grabbed a shirt and some shorts from her closet. "Wear these for now while I dry your clothes out."

Annabeth thanked her before sitting down on the couch next to Thalia and Nico, her face still in a grin.

"Why are you so happy?" Thalia stared at her.

She couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Percy and I kissed," Annabeth whispered.

"YES! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" Thalia screamed, jumping up.

"Thalia, be quiet!" Sally's voice was heard over her cheering. "I'm pretty sure our neighbor's baby is asleep!"

Annabeth looked over to see Nico, but he didn't seem very happy. He just looked off to one side, clearly not wanting to talk about anything.

"What's wrong, Nico?" she asked curiously. "Are you mad that it was Percy who kissed me?"

At this, and Annabeth had no idea why, Nico's face turned red.


"Nico, calm down!" Sally's call was heard from her room. "The neighbor's baby is sleeping and we don't wanna deal with Karen again!"

"What's the problem, Neeks?" Thalia asked, standing up. "You know Percy didn't mean for Bianca to die, right? It's been in that mind of yours for too long and you said you forgave him."

"It's not that," Nico whispered.

"Then what is it?" Annabeth asked.

Nico's face turned red and it came out in a voice so quiet, Annabeth almost couldn't hear.

"I have a crush on Percy."

We Olympians (A Percy Jackson AU) || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now