Chapter 48 || Thalia

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Waiting in the shadows as a trainee wasn't on Thalia's mind at the moment. It wasn't like she didn't want to be an outcast or anything, it was just... the feeling of waiting. Waiting for someone she could now call her cousin to come out alive with his other cousins, friends, and her own brother. Of course, last night was all fun and games.

Today was anything but that. It was nearing 3:00 PM and everyone was literally freaking out. Piper kept reassuring everyone that they wouldn't fail. Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia asking why didn't really help either. That's when Thalia realized how serious spy work was. It wasn't like the Kim Possible episodes she used to watch as a child.

The only person who seemed to be relatively calm was Percy, who was in the back, sipping on a glass of water while he scanned through the files, a blank look on his face that no one could describe. What puzzled Thalia was that Percy didn't even looked the least bit anxious like everyone else did. He looked at ease, as if this was a frequent occurrence for him.

It might be, she reminded herself. He's been gone from your life for four years. A lot can happen.

"It'll be okay," he finally said. "I think I have a plan."

"The world is ending," Thalia snorted out the sarcastic remark.

Percy returned her words with a little teasing sneer before scanning through the files. "Well if that plan is not appreciated, it can go away. Gatherings to grab information aren't usually very big. They're normally either two people from both groups or just one on one. By the looks of it... Luke and Ethan are coming today to meet with each other."

That's when it was clear to Thalia. Percy wasn't freaking out because he already had experience fighting both of the gang members. The others weren't as freaked out because they had met the two people they were about to face. The thought that lingered in her head was about Luke. How he was screaming about her. Was he the boy with the scar that went to pick her and Jason up that day?

"It doesn't matter. Just get yourselves ready."


Thalia waited anxiously in the janitor's closet. Percy told her he would be fine, as he had friends fighting with him.

"If I need your help, I'll call for it. I'm not stupid."

"You can be pretty stupid without realizing it, Jackson. I go in when I feel you need help. You're literally my best friend. I'm not losing you again."

"And what about you, Wise Girl? Are you gonna be naughty like Thalia?" Percy had asked with a smirk on his face.

"If Thalia's naughty, I'm a criminal." Annabeth met his gaze defiantly. "I'm not letting you fight out there alone. I'm not staying in the janitor's closet."

"Yes, you are," Percy insisted.

"No, I'm not. I'm gonna stay with you out in the battlefield no matter what you say." Annabeth said stubbornly, glaring at her boyfriend.

Percy sighed, realizing he couldn't get rid of her.

"Fine. But you're staying near the janitor's closet and go in when it gets dangerous. If you don't, I'll never forgive myself for not tying you up and gagging you."

"You bet, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth leaned up and gave him a sweet, long kiss.

Thalia shook out of her memories as the two shared another kiss, Percy jogging up to them.

"I'm taking cover in a locker," he said. "Do you guys have weapons handy?"

She picked up a silver bow and a quiver of arrows. "Uh... I have this."

Percy smirked. "You know... I suck at archery. But I have to admit, Pinecone Face... you slay when it comes to that."

Thalia, surprised by his compliment, almost shot the bow straight at his face. But she composed herself and simply nodded in thanks. Percy glanced over at Nico, who had began blushing when those sea-green eyes landed on him.

"You gonna be okay, Neeks? What weapon do you wanna use?"

"A sword," Nico said, picking the dark blade up. "I found it in my room when I got to the safe house."

"Great. Wise Girl--"


Percy chuckled and pulled her in close. "You really are a wise girl, aren't you?"

"Only one way to find out," Annabeth murmured as she leaned up to give him another kiss.

Thalia looked over at Nico, who looked like he was trying to avoid the sight in front of him. She couldn't blame him. Watching your crush kissing your best friend isn't a sight people enjoy to see. The Kelp Head suddenly shut the door to the janitor's closet, folding himself into a locker. Her heart pounded faster as realization hit her like water flowing through a dam. It had begun.

She saw a boy walking in. Blue eyes and a scar running down his face. He had this dark look on his face as crossed his arms, tapping his foot in silence. Then, an Asian boy came on the other side, a scar on his arm.

"Nakamura," the blonde boy spoke.

"Luke." 'Nakamura' said, meeting the boy's eyes.

"Where are the files? Do you have them?"

"Why would we be here without the files ready?" 'Nakamura' scoffed.

"I don't know, Ethan. Just give them to me so I can deliver them to Kronos."

That's when Percy literally flipped out of the locker and grabbed the files, shoving them into his own locker through the slits. The two boys stared in shock at the boy in front of them.

"Guess I just shitted on that plan," Percy mocked them, sass dripping through each syllable.

It took a few seconds for the boys to snap out of their daze before they each growled.


"TEEHEE!" Percy grinned cheekily as they pulled out their weapons.

He had Riptide ready, casually twirling with it in between his fingers. Luke and Ethan glared at him before charging at once. Percy took it from there, fighting towards the back of the lockers. Luke managed to cut a pretty nasty gash on Percy's thigh, but Percy deflected Ethan's killing blow just fine. Annabeth had her dagger ready, her muscles tensed, ready to pounce.

"Now tell us what the code to your locker is so we can get that file, Percy!" Ethan growled.

"I don't think that's necessary, boys."

Every agent came spilling out, including Annabeth, who was now hiding behind the lockers.

We Olympians (A Percy Jackson AU) || BOOK 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora