Chapter 53 || Percy

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Sabrina dying didn't seem right to Percy. It was too sudden. WAY too sudden for him to process. They'd just gotten back from their mission two weeks ago and she just HAD to die. The worst part was that his wounds that had mysteriously appeared on his torso two weeks ago weren't gone. But he took the notebook, promising himself to take good care of it.

The Ultimate Guide to Death. Page 167.

He walked out of the room and to the library, his gaze focused on nothing but those open double doors. The stares he got for going in there were undeniable, but Percy didn't care. Scanning through the shelves, he ran his fingers down the spines of the books like Sabrina did.

"What do you want, Sabrina?" Percy whispered as he took the book off the shelf, flipping to Page 167.


Returning from the dead, though it may seem like Thanatos's favor comes and goes, it doesn't come and go. Being so close to death, especially if the victim has managed to even graze it slightly, means that they have touched Hades's blessing sphere. The blessing sphere, as mentioned on Page 68, is the sphere that contains Hades's blessings. It's where the powers for his children come from.

Having said this, coming in contact with the blessing sphere would kill a victim if they got too close, but if they simply grazed the surface, they would retain some powers of the dead. But having powers from the dead comes with a cost. The victim is cursed after returning from the dead. While they are allowed to shadow-travel and know when people are dead,--Percy frowned as he saw the words Sabrina highlighted--THEY FEEL THE INJURIES THAT KILLED OTHER DEMIGODS OR PEOPLE OF THE OLYMPIAN WORLD.

Percy froze, realizing what had happened five months ago. The man who had died from a slash on his stomach. The man who had been pretty much decapitated by Nico. Sabrina, who had died from a slash on her chest while saving five newcomers on her scouting mission. He had retained the wounds that they had gained while dying.

The curse will not kill the victim, however, some victims claim to have begged for death after the pain that came with the curse. The injuries take FOREVER to heal. The only person who HAS broken the curse was Perseus, who had scouted all over the world to find the ingredients for the remedy, which is--Percy looked in horror to find the page ripped out. There laid a note, handwritten by Sabrina.--Page 90 in my notebook, Percy. But only cure yourself it is absolutely necessary. Remember, we're not allowed to go out anymore. The war is starting.

His friends came running in.

"Oh, thank gods! We thought you'd gone missing or something!" Frank gasped, running to his side.

"I think we've got another problem..." Percy muttered, looking at the pages.

Showing it to his friends, they all stared at it with horror.

"What?" Hazel whispered.

"I'm cursed..." Percy mumbled. "I feel everyone's dying pain."

Annabeth embraced him in a hug and kissed his cheek.

"Well, we'll just not kill--"

"You have to kill them," Percy whispered. "I don't care what it does. But you have to kill. The enemy is obviously using this tactic to try and gain an advantage. You can't let them."

They can't let them.

"We Olympians never get a break, do we?" Jason chuckled bitterly.

The Fates really do hate me, don't they? Percy thought as he remembered everything he'd gone through.

Gabe, leaving his friends, the countless missions, the dead bodies, the war, the losses... and now, Sabrina was gone.

"I don't care what Sabrina said about it only being necessary," Annabeth shook her head. "We're getting that cure."

"But we're not allowed to go out right now!" Percy protested. "It's not that important!"

"Don't you dare say that, Jackson..." Thalia growled. "Don't you dare. We're finding that cure and we're gonna get rid of this stupid curse no matter who gets in our way."

"Well, train up." Percy sighed, knowing he'd never get them off his back. "We've got a rough year ahead of us."


As Percy lay awake in his bed, staring up at the ceiling, he glared up at the sky, even shooting his middle finger up.

Being an Olympian was eternal suffrage. 

Being a spy was a life without love. 

Having attention makes others hate you for it. 

Having a great family means you have to be taken away from it. 

Having half of a good family means you have to stay with the bad half. 

Having a bad family means you can't get away. 

Being a veteran of war means you get PTSD. 

Being a newbie at war means you get beaten up.

Having a powerful dad means everyone turns to you.

Having a powerful injection means annoying side effects.

Escaping death, which Percy wouldn't mind, meant painful side effects.

Loving someone meant losing them.

Hating someone meant never getting rid of them.

Training hard makes you tired.

Not training at all kills you faster.

Living a double-life makes life too chaotic.

Living a single-life makes everything too boring.

Having friends means you have to see them die.

Having a girlfriend means you have to see her cry.

Being a selfless person meant blaming yourself for so many things.

Having loyalty just HAD to be a fatal flaw.

Being Percy Jackson was all of those things. Being Percy Jackson meant bad luck. Being Percy Jackson meant a life full of no rest. Being him meant a shitty life full of nothing but shitty events.

You really do hate me, don't you, Fates? You just wanna see me suffer. SO CUT MY LINE! CUT IT! Stop hurting me! CUT KRONOS'S LINE! CUT GAEA'S LINE! Then, you don't have to deal with this mess anymore. You don't have to deal with me anymore.

But Percy knew that wasn't gonna happen. His life was a puppet show for the Fates. The more it was screwed up, the more interesting it became.

We Olympians... We suffer so much.

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