Chapter 6 || Percy

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All Percy could hear was his breathing. Fast and shallow. His heart was pounding, his mind racing, his whole body screaming 'let me go'. But they had turned the child lock on in the car. He had no way out and Percy was pretty sure this was a kidnapping.

"W-What are you doing?" he asked, finally, "What do you want from me? I-I'm poor and my stepfather won't give a shit about where I've gone... So you don't have to do this. You're not gonna get any profit."

Grover looked in the mirror at Percy, raising an eyebrow.

"What the f**k did that fat man do to him in those years Mr. P left him with that creep?" Grover scoffed. "Curse words at the age of twelve?"

"Since the age of five..." Percy mumbled under his breath, but the boy heard it.

"Five?! Now that's messed up."

"My whole life is messed up. Deal with it," Percy rolled his eyes.

"He's as sassy as Mr. P said he was," Chiron chuckled.

"Who the f**k is Mr. P?" Percy asked, looking at Grover, who paused, looking at Percy like he was an alien.

"Do you even know what that word means?"

"Of course I do," Percy said as if it was obvious. "Duh. Why would you use it if you didn't know what it meant? What do you think I am, a dummy?"

Dummy. He was a dummy.

"This is about your father," Chiron said, continuing his drive, "But we can't speak of him right now. Not while others have the potential of listening in on our conversation."

"But... my dad's dead. I'm pretty sure you've got the wrong guy," Percy said in a serious tone.

"Nope, we've got the right guy," Grover chuckled, "You look just like him, especially in his younger photos."

"I don't think you heard me," Percy said again, not believing why these people seemed so calm. They acted as if they didn't even know that kidnapping was a crime. "My dad's dead."

"That's what he wanted you to believe," Chiron said, "Really, he's alive. And we're taking you to a safe-house right now."

"So I'm supposed to trust some random strangers who just happened to be in the same alley as me?"

"It wasn't a coincidence, Percy," Grover said, "We've been watching you ever since you came out of your mother's womb."

"Creepy, much?" Percy muttered.

"We're here," Chiron said, stopping in front of a mansion.

"What the--"

"Get in quickly, Percy," Grover said urgently. "You don't know when the enemy is watching."

Percy pulled up his hood and stepped out of the car, into the house, waiting for Grover and Chiron to lock him in and tie him up. Nope. They walked in, closed the door, and locked it, offering Percy a seat on the couch.

"Why did you bring me here?" Percy asked.

"Again, this is about your father."

"My dad's lost at sea."

"He is not, Percy," Chiron sighed, "He's been watching you."

Chills went up Percy's spine.

"That's really creepy."

"We know," Chiron chuckled, "But it's reality. You've been watched by your father. You weren't alone. And right now, your dad's getting rid of him."

"What?!" Percy exclaimed, realizing what they meant. Killing Gabe.

"Yep. But let's get started. Your dad's name is Poseidon."

"Like the god?"

Percy mentally facepalmed. Stupid question! His dad wasn't a god!

"Well, yes."

Jaws to the floor was a phrase everyone heard in the past. But it was literal. Percy's jaw was dropped to the floor.

"There's tons of evidence that when the Greek gods collapsed, they had a backup plan to come back when times were better, their souls being attached to certain individuals. We've found that Poseidon, in fact, is the reincarnation of the Greek god Poseidon."

At this, Percy stumbled back.

"What the f**k?!"

"Stop cursing," Grover said, blocking his ears, "You need to understand what's going on first."

"Okay, tell me! Now that I know I'm related to a god reincarnation!"

"Your dad, while being a god, is also a former spy and assassin, as well as a businessman apart of an organization called The Olympians."

Percy froze.

"Say what now?"

"The Olympians own every company in the world. Everything."


"Your father, Poseidon? He owns all the seafood industries, all the water industries, all the marine animal protection groups, all the hurricanes and earthquakes--"

"Those are natural disasters," Percy cut in. "They're not caused by humans."

"No, they are," Chiron sighed, "When The Olympians first took over with their inventions, they invented special wristwatches and accessories. Poseidon's wristwatch can cause hurricanes and earthquakes when he's in need of assistance, as the siblings live a long way from each other."

"Why not use cellphones?" Percy furrowed his brows.

"Well, the Olympians have enemies. And in order for calls to go through, they have to pass the power lines to get signal. The problem is, their enemies have figured out how to track these calls as they get across the landlines, giving away the locations of the Olympians. That would be bad."

"And?" Percy raised an eyebrow.

"Well, this isn't just any safe-house," Grover sighed, "Wonder why it's so big?"


"Because it's home to all the Olympians' children, who are training to become spies and assassins, as well as learning how to help the businesses."


"Only the important ones," Chiron rushed, "We can't fit everyone in. You are by far the most important out of all of them. Your father is in charge of water, a vital necessity to human life. And if you were held hostage, Poseidon would be forced to give up water. And the enemies are intent on destroying human life. Just like the Olympians are reincarnations of gods..."

"The enemies are reincarnations of the titans and giants..." Percy breathed.

"You're smarter than you let on," Grover chuckled.

"But why did Mark want to kill me?"

"Because if they killed you, they'd make Poseidon mentally unstable. If he's mentally unstable over the loss of you, it's easier to infiltrate his headquarters and kill him. It'd also mean one less potential threat off their list."

"So what do you want from me now?"

"You are to train here as a spy and assassin, as well as the heir of the water industry."

"What if I don't?" Percy crossed his arms, feeling like it was a stupid question.

"You die in the arms of the Anti-Olympians."

We Olympians (A Percy Jackson AU) || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now