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I knock on Dante's consultation room door, waiting for him to let me know he's free

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I knock on Dante's consultation room door, waiting for him to let me know he's free. I start opening the door as his happy voice tells me to come inside, finding him on the ground wrestling with the Golden Retriever.

"Enjoying yourself?" I say on a loud laugh.

Dante turns back to rubbing the dogs belly, speaking in his voice reserved for animals and children. The dog is loving the attention. Legs up in the air, mouth open and tongue hanging out.

"Oh, before I forget, we're thinking of ordering a pizza tonight. Do you want to take a look at the menu and let me know what you want?" he says, starting to wrestle with the dog.

I lean on the doorframe. "I'm going out tonight."

"Oh." The dog stops wiggling when Dante turns back to me. There's a tug of war going on inside his head. I can tell. "Are you going anywhere nice?"

"Do you remember Drake Frost?"

The stillness of his body is quite alarming. It's as if he's just seen a ghost as he stares right through me. "Yes, of course I fucking remember him."

"Dante!" I turn around to see if any clients heard, but they're all occupied with something else.

He climbs to his feet. "Well, what kind of stupid question is that, Ellie?"

"I don't know—?"

The fire burning in his eyes sets me back a step or two. It's ferocious and raw. "How will I ever forget the man who ruined my life with you?"

"That isn't fair," I say.

"Tell me I'm wrong?" he snaps.

"You couldn't be more wrong," I say, failing to hide the hurt in my voice.

His jaw starts ticking. "Oh, really?"

I breathe through the growing emotions, choosing silence as the best option. Dante shakes his head, like I've disappointed him so badly that he can't bring himself to look at me.

"You were always going to let me know you were going out with him tonight?" he asks softer than his expression.

"I wasn't aware it was your business," I snap.

He groans into his fist, the sound turning manic when he starts to laugh. "Seriously? It's not my business? I gave you a job. A place to stay, but that clearly doesn't mean shit. You know I hate the guy, Ellie! Despise him!"

I step closer and shut the door. "It wasn't his fault."

"Don't you dare." Eyes glistening, he lets the betrayal settle in there. "Don't you dare defend him to me."

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