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A delivery arrives for me this afternoon and I couldn't be any more excited

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A delivery arrives for me this afternoon and I couldn't be any more excited. It's a new pair of white scrubs with cartoon animals all over the fabric. It definitely catches your eye and the clients won't stop gushing over my fun outfit.

I'm helping a lady pick out some new dog food when I hear a quiet snicker pass by me. In the corner of my eye, I see Jennifer approaching my computer, eyes on me.

"You don't work at a kids nursery," she says, sitting her arse down in my chair to start typing on my computer.

I frown and turn back to the lady who can't decide between biscuits or meat for her sensitive Jack Russell. Her hand touches my arm as she throws me a kind smile.

"I think you look fabulous," she says.

Bless her heart. "I only wanted to add a bit of fun to the place," I whisper.

The phone is two rings out before Jennifer is snapping her fingers at me. "Phone."

"Excuse me," I say to the lady I'm helping who is evil-eyeing our vet nurse. I pick up the receiver. "Holly Hill Veterinary Hospital, Ellie speaking."

"Hello, love. It's Mr Kemp here."

I smile. "Hello! How can I help?"

He sighs down the line. "Well, my spaniel has only gone and eaten a bag of rat poison."

Oh, Christ. "Can you get him to us now?"

"Ellie," Jennifer snaps, nudging me from my freaking chair. "I have no appointments. Turn them away."

I give her a disapproving frown, going back to my phone conversation. "It's okay, Mr Kemp. I'm still here. How long ago did your Mickey eat the bait?"

"Three minutes tops," he says, which makes it easier because it's less time to start digesting. "I'm getting him into my truck now."

"That's brilliant. We'll be waiting for you," I say and hang up.

Jennifer pushes back on the chair and turns to me. I have to look up because she's so tall, my smaller frame overcrowded by her stealth-like size. I don't understand why she's so angry.

"You had no right to override me! Dante is out on calls all day and there's only me to handle it," she says.

I flinch at her raised voice, but stand my ground. "It's an emergency. If that dog digests the bait then there will be serious consequences. Please, Jennifer."

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