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Bishopston, Bristol

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Bishopston, Bristol

Early 2021.

It's been days of building the courage to call him. I have stared at his mobile number for hours, trying to work out if it's the same or if he changed it.

The wet grass is starting to seep through my trousers as I take shelter under the tree. After my landlord decided to sell up a few months after I moved in, I thought I would find a new place right away.

Yeah, not so easy, actually.

I feel sick with nerves when the dial tone sounds in my ear, not knowing how he'll react when he hears my voice or if he'll even recognise it. Or if he has the same number.

Did I say that already?

"Hello, Vet Dante speaking."

It's him.

Oh, god. I'm not prepared for the sharp nervous pains suddenly attacking my belly.

"Hello? he says nicely. "Can you hear me?"

I gulp. "Dante, it's me."

There's a few seconds of silence.


A whole bunch of body shivers hit me all at once. It almost causes me to drop the phone. Dante's deeper voice is the first thing I notice, the second is how he says my name.

Do not cry.

Do not cry.

"It's me."

"Oh my god," he says, sounding like he may throw up. "Ellie?!"

The wind is so strong, it whips close to my ears, it must rattle down the line because he's asking where I am.

I scrub at my face. "I'm so sorry to call. I... I... just really need your help."

There's no hesitations now. "Where are you?"

"I'm in Bishopston."

A door closing echoes down the line, so I turn away from the wind in case he can't hear me. "You're still in Bristol?"

"Yes," I croak at hearing so many different emotions filter through his tone. "Are you?"

"No," he says sharply.

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