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We have a complicated case in this afternoon

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We have a complicated case in this afternoon. An aggressive dog with a lump growing in his groin. The owners called as a precaution to let us know, but none of that bothers Dante.

Bruce is a thirty-five kilo boxer dog with a lot of power behind him, but this is the owners last resort as many other vets have turned him away as dangerous.

I look up at the vicious sounds coming from the examination room. Bruce is not a happy camper. You could see the fear on the poor dog's face as soon as he got through the door, and even worse when he saw Dante.

"A dog that vicious should be destroyed," says Mr Alder, owner of Norman the guinea pig when Bruce starts growling louder.

I don't look at him because for one: I'm not sure if he's talking to me, and two, I don't want to entertain what he's saying. Bruce's owners are nervous of anyone new meeting Bruce for this very reason. The judgement.

He carries on talking, dragging me into the conversation now. "Don't you think?"

I turn to look over at him. "It's not as straightforward as you think. That's someone's pet and the owners take all precautions when out of the house."

Bruce's owners let us know from the beginning that he was scared of men because of a previous owner beating him.

He rolls his eyes. "Who could love a pet when it's always threatening to bite you? They're idiots for keeping it alive."

"Sir," I say when a tutting noise comes from the waiting room. "I understand your views, but please keep them to yourself."

"Excuse me?"

I take a deep breath because there's a line you have to draw between being professional and putting someone in their place.

Another male voice enters into the mix and one of Bruce's owners walks out of the toilets. "That's my dog you're talking about."

Mr Alder lifts his nose. "I don't know what you're playing at bringing a dangerous dog here. Endangering the vet's life."

I stand up. "Mr Alder, that is quite enough. If you don't stop, I will have to ask you to leave."

Bruce's owner smiles over at me. "It's okay, darling. This isn't new. People just need to mind their own damn business. That dog in there is scared, not vicious, and he's an absolute teddy bear at home."

"Do you know what? I will leave! Any vet who promotes what you do." Mr Alder waves at me in disgust. "Is malpractice and I don't trust you with my animal."

I'm not quite sure how it got to this point, but you're not going to please everyone and if he's so offended by something that does not involve him, we're never going to please him.

I nod. "Okay, sir, that is your right."

"Damn sure it is," he says, bending down to pick up his crate. "And you can expect a bad review on Google!"

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