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I take another pile of get well cards up to Dante's bedroom

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I take another pile of get well cards up to Dante's bedroom. Once the news got out about his heart attack, the well-wishers have flooded in here.

"Is that more cards?" he asks, resting his playstation controller on his legs on top of the duvet.

I drop them next to his hands. "Yep, thought I would bring them up so my desk wouldn't be so crowded. You look better than you did this morning."

He smiles, checking the telly screen on the wall when it makes a noise. "I feel loads better. Are you ready and packed for this weekend?"

I nod, not able to stop my smile. "Yes! I spent the past few days packing my suitcase. I'm so excited."

He smiles and it's so enthusiastic I find myself smiling too. "You're going to have such a lovely time. I managed to secure you an informal chat with Grace Porter, head of animal studies at York University, because you're interested in applying there."

I can't peel my eyes away. "Seriously? Oh, my goodness, thank you."

His smile is almost shy. "Don't mention it."

Out of instinct, I lean down to kiss his cheek, settling my lips there for a beat too long. "Thank you," I whisper again.

Dante pushes my hair back, stroking his finger back and forth over my cheekbone. "You okay?"

"I'll miss you," I admit.

His expression softens even more and up this close, I see he still holds some paleness under his eyes. "Me too, but this will be good for you."

My hand rests on his arm. "I went to the supermarket to do a shop for you so you don't have to worry about it. I bought all healthy stuff, so no sneaking any bad things in while I'm not here."

He grins. "Okay."

"I mean it. The doctor said low fat until your referral date comes through," I say.

Nodding, he rubs my arm. "I'm taking this seriously, Ellie. I swear it."

I stare for a while, absorbing the curls on the top of his head making him look disheveled.  "Do you know the night I left?"

The emotions filter across his face, almost like he's reliving those moments again for the first time. He nods. "Yeah?"

I breathe deep for a moment. "I'm so incredibly sorry. You don't have to accept it, but just know... I didn't mean the things I was saying."

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