Chapter 34 - Learn to be Mine

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Clara's POV

I felt really guilty for causing Luciano's injury, after all, Nora was after me, not him. Not knowing what to say to him, I trailed after Luciano as he walked up the stairway all the way till he reached the door of his room.

"Is there a problem?" Luciano turned around and asked me with his eyebrows raised questionably at me.

"I... I just wanted to thank you for saving my life earlier on," I said with a streak of guilt as my eyes glanced over to his bandaged arm.

Luciano snickered and said, "I'm glad we're finally able to talk like this," then he pointed to his injured arm and smiled at me, "I guess this was worth it after all."

The realisation of how much I'm worth to him sets butterflies to my stomach. I would be lying if I say I wasn't moved by him.

"I'm fine from here, don't worry. You should get an early rest too," He said as he opened the door to his room.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning," I said even though I was still worried about him.

Just after I took few steps away from his room, I heard Luciano winched in pain, "Ahhh!"

I hurriedly ran over upon hearing that distressing call, "Luciano? Are you okay?"

Luciano's white shirt was half way down revealing his sexy back muscles that I had to shy my eyes away from him instantly.

"I think I'll need some help here, didn't know getting out of clothes with one hand can be difficult," Luciano said while gritting his teeth from the pain.

"Okay, let me help you with it," I took a deep breath and stood in front of him. I helped him out of his shirt slowly without moving his injured arm. It wasn't hard to notice how hot he was when I was removing his shirt. His tray of solid abs and chest muscles were making me warm with embarrassment. The close distance between us made my heart hammered even more. I could feel his gaze locked on me throughout this process.

"There you go," I stammered with the tensed up voice of mine.

"Thank you," he said to me with that deep velvety voice of his that was undeniably arousing.

"I...shall get going now," I stammered once again.

I leant against the door of my room while trying to catch my breath from what just happened.

Darn it... I shouldn't be feeling this way towards Luciano. I shouldn't be feeling for a crazy man who tried to kill Rico. This is morally wrong. I need to clear my head.

*The next morning*

I walked down the stairway to the dining area and realised Luciano was already there.

"Good morning, Luciano," I said.

"Morning, Clara," He said with a smile and then he went back to eating his breakfast with much struggle.

He cursed under his breath when he dropped the food before it reached into his mouth.

I snickered and took the napkin to wipe the food stain off his chin, "Let me help you."

Suddenly, I had this flashback of him wiping my tears of laughter when we had fun back at Carlos Hotel. His touch against the skin of my face, his enigmatic pair of hazel eyes... Oh no... What was I thinking?!

I shook my head to get rid of that vision.

"There's an important meeting with the board of directors today, it's going to be a long one, just to give you a heads up," Luciano said as though he dreaded attending it.

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