Chapter 51 - The Test of Marriage

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*1 year later*

Clara's POV

I watched both Lucas and Luisa sleeping soundly in their booster seat at the backseat of the car while Luciano drove us to visit Sophia and Arnaldo. As the sunlight shone over their angelic face softly, I couldn't help but smile at their adorable face.

Luisa yawned and squinted open her little eyes into mine. Her lips curled into a sweet smile of delightfulness when I smiled at her. For a brief second, everything felt perfect until Luisa let out a fart that instantly flooded the entire car with the smell of baby's poo.

"Holy crap! What was that?!" Luciano cupped his hand over his nose and mouth with one hand to block off that swoon of bad smell while he continued to drive.

The smell was so bad that I had to pinch my nose too. It's surprising that Lucas wasn't woken up by the pungent smell while Luisa continued to giggle at our reaction. Luciano had to unwind all the windows to get rid of the smell.

"She sure is a 'warrior'..." I said sarcastically to Luciano for naming her after the meaning of famous warrior in Italian because he wanted our daughter to grow up into an independent woman who is not a push-over in life. "I think she soiled her diaper again..." I continued to say as I tried to search for a new diaper in the bag but it was to no avail.

"Luciano, didn't you pack diapers into the bag?" I asked.

"Oh... Er... I forgot about that..." Luciano said guiltily.

"Ok... We've got an emergency baby's situation here, we need to get diapers now!" I panicked.

"Thank god, there's a Walmart here," Luciano heaved a sigh of relief as he turned into the carpark outside Walmart.

Luciano carried Luisa and grumbled jokingly at Luisa, "Aww... What have you done, my little princess..."

I carried Lucas and headed towards Walmart while Luciano stood outside of Walmart to wait for the diaper rescue.

Thank god, there weren't any lines at the cashiers at that time. I quickly made my way to the cashier with a pack of diaper.

"Clara...Mitch?" The cashier asked me.

I looked up and found the cashier familiar, but I couldn't seem to figure out who he was until my eyes narrowed at his name tag...

Jake Lewis?! Oh my god! What happened to him?!

The guy who stood in front was different from the Jake Lewis that I last had an impression of. Seems like time hasn't been kind to Jake who used to be the dashing captain of our school's football team. He had put on way more weight than before, and his ungroomed beard makes him look older than his actual age.

"Jake?" I gasped.

"Yea, Jake from Riverdale," he replied.

"It's surprising that you got my name right this time round," I said with a tinge of sarcasm after recalling what a jerk he was back then.

"I'm sorry... I apologise for my behaviour back then," He said remorsefully.

"It's okay..." I said.

"I'm also sorry for breaking you up with Rico back then, I've been meaning to say this to you but I never got a chance to until today," Jake said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Veronica promised me that she would be with me if I helped her to break you apart from Rico on prom night, but that bitch went back on her words... I should have known... That ruthless woman who didn't allow our son to acknowledge me for 8 years," He clenched his fists agitatedly.

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