Chapter 15

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Merry christmasssz💋💋 sorry for not updating oopsies😁😁 THE FUCKING PICTURES DIDNT UPLOAD I fixed it though don't worry sweetcheeks💪💪


We've been running all day. I could tell by the way the wildlife around me settled down, and others came out that it was probably close to night by now.

"Everyone! We need to pause here!" Zenitsu suddenly called out, and we all stopped.

"Zenitsu, what's wrong?" Tanjiro asked, and I turned towards the boy.

"I'm nervous, okay?! Now that we're nearing our destination, I'm scared!" Zenitsu admitted, and I felt him drop to the ground.

"Why the hell is he sitting like that?" Inosuke spoke up from beside me.

"Sitting like what?" I asked, slightly tilting my head.

"He's all curled up like a pathetic infant. It's pretty weird if you ask me." Inosuke replied and I nodded, trying to imagine the position.

"WHO ARE YOU TO TALK TO ME ABOUT WEIRD!?" Zenitsu shrieked, clearly offended. "You can't tell me you're not getting any spooky vibes from that mountain?" He whimpered.

"Huh?" Inosuke grunted, not understanding what Zenitsu meant.

"Oh, so that's a mountain?" I stated, turning towards the big mass that I had sensed.

"KAZUMI DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT WAS?! WE'RE DOOMED!" Zenitsu screamed, and I felt him roll around on the ground.

"She's stronger than you, that's for sure." Inosuke bit back, surprisingly calm. I tensed slightly, not expecting him to defend me.

"Even so, we can't exactly just wait here." Tanjiro stated, referring to Zenitsu's fit.

"I told you that this one's an odd duck." Inosuke confirmed to Tanjiro and I.

"I AM NOT AN ODD DUCK, I'M COMPLETELY NORMAL! IT'S YOU GUYS THAT ARE THE STRANGE ONES!" Zenitsu screamed, but something else caught my attention. The thud of a vibration just over the hill. I turned to the feeling, and apparently Tanjiro had noticed it too.

"Tanjiro, Kazumi? Is there something wrong?" Zenitsu whimpered at our sudden tensing.

"What is this smell?" Tanjiro muttered before running to the hill alongside me.

"It's a person." I replied, and Tanjiro gasped, making it over the hill.

"Tanjiro! Wait up! Don't leave me here by myself! Who knows what'll happen?!" Zenitsu freaked out as Inosuke calmly followed us.

"Help me. Please help me." The boy I had heard fall croaked out. I tensed, sensing something off about him.

"Look at his uniform! That boy, he's one of us!" Tanjiro stated nearing the boy with me. "Hey, what happened?! Are you all right?!"

I held my arm out, preventing Tanjiro from going any further, a frown on my face.

"Hey! Don't leave me behind!" Zenitsu continued to scream behind us.

"Kazumi, what's wrong?" Tanjiro asked, and I kept my arm out.

"Something isn't right." I replied, inching closer to the boy. I steadily reached my hand closer to him as he whimpered. However, before I could touch him, he was yanked away from me and into the sky. I gasped, stepping back from the boy.

"They were attached to me too! Please don't let me die here!" He screamed before being dragged away.

"They almost felt like..." I muttered, keeping my head downcast.

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