Chapter 2: Coffee shop

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I open the coffee shop door a bit more aggressive than I usually do. Searching for Marie, I glance over at people sitting at the tables and when I find her, I stride to the table where she and an unfamiliar guy are sitting.

"Hey!" Marie greets me cheerfully.

Pfft, do I look like I am in a "hey!" mood to you? I am most certainly in a hey with no punctuation mood.

I shake my head and take a seat across from them. Sitting my bag on the side of my leg before I speak.

"Oh no, do not ,"hey!" me Marie."

"Is there a problem?" The man on the side of her asks.

"I-" Marie is about to respond when the human version of Donald the duck walks in the coffee shop. "That." She finishes, as he walks towards the table.

He takes short strides as if the whole world just goes on his time. Hands in his navy blue sweatpants as he gives flirty smiles to women sipping their coffee.

When he reaches the table, he stops in his tracks, "What the hell? Is this some kind of setup?" He asks, looking between me and the man on the side of Marie.

"That's my problem." I cross my arms, leaning back in my seat as I glare at August.

"You two know each other?" The man asks

"They met at the gym about a year ago and didn't exactly hit it off."

"The correct word would be hate. I hate him and I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could hang around such a disgusting human being. "

"Trust me, the feeling is mutual. "

"Guys, guys, please. Let's just sit down and have a peaceful breakfast without any bickering, okay?"

With one last glare at me, August takes a seat on the side of me. I move away from him as far as possible. When I get to the edge of the seat, I feel someone touch me and suddenly fall to the ground.


I quickly compose myself. Standing back up, I dust my pants off and turn around, meeting an amused August.

"You're such an asshole. When I get you back it will be vicious." I say angrily, sitting back down.

"Viscous? Who even says that?"

"People with brains, you ignoramus."

Since I needed to be at work in about fifty minutes, I decided to make a few phone calls until the waitress arrived.

When she does, the man and Marie stop talking, August gets off his phone and so do I.

"What would you like to drink, Ma'am?" The brunette waitress asks me.

"A glass of pink lemonade please and one for my friend here as well."

Marie had told me what she wanted before the waitress arrived, since she didn't like ordering most of the time.

"Me too." The guy adds on and the waitress marks it down before turning to August.

"And what would you like, sir?"

He smirks, "A black coffee and a side of you, please."

I roll my eyes as the woman blushes before walking away.

"So unoriginal."

August leans forward, "You're just mad you can't get any." He replies and sits back in his seat, proud of his statement.

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