Chapter 12: Red Pumps

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I roll my eyes as August turns his music up louder. I am so glad I only have two more days left to share this room with this idiot. Between the excessive farting, loud music, horrible singing and clothing scattered loosely around, I was going crazy.

"Why must you always play it so loud?"

He continues dancing in front of the mirror as he admires himself. "Shut it, Davis."

I roll my eyes again and turn my attention back to my laptop. I have been doing emotional online shopping since I woke up this morning, which has led me to be annoyed with everything and everyone because of my failure to handle my problems the right way.

Marie and Damien were supposed to come to our room so we could all leave at the same time. Marie had planned the rest of the time we had left on this trip. I tried to bribe her out of it, but she insisted on keeping it a surprise.

I look up from the laptop and frown, seeing August do an unfamiliar dance. I twirl my finger at his dance. "What's that? Is it a new one? I've never seen it before."

He stops as, 'This is how we do it.' comes on. I practically knew every word of this song, due to August playing it about every hour. Not to mention how much he plays it at the gym.

"You don't know the Dougie?" He asks, as if I have just asked the dumbest question.

"Obviously not."

"Loser." He scoffs and turns the song up louder. "Get up, I'll show you."

Absolutely not.

I laugh at his buffoonery. I don't dance. It's probably one of the few things I'm not good at.

"Oh no, I am not learning that. I don't dance, I have far more important things to do with my spare time."

"Right because looking at pink blouses online is very important."

I shut my laptop and get off the bed frustratingly. I stand on the side of him and take off my suit jacket. "Show me the stupid dance."

He smiles and faces me. "It's simple, really. Just move your arms like this."

August stands straight and moves his arms the same way he did before when he was dancing. I try to copy his movements but glance at myself in the mirror and stop.

"I look stupid."

He pats my shoulder. "It's a good thing you always do. Now try again."

I keep moving my arms in the way he is doing it and once I finally get it right, he replays the song. August gestures for me to open my legs slightly and I do so. He teaches me how to stand and, after kicking my leg countless times and small wrestling matches between one another, I get it right.

He smiles, "Now put it all together."

You got this, Robin.

I take a deep breath before putting the movements all together. I smile, seeing myself do the dance in the mirror.

"Show some more energy!" He says, and I pick up my pace and try to move more smoothly.

I laugh, "I'm doing it, I'm doing it!"

I start to feel more excited by the lyrics, 'South Central does it like nobody does.'

"Atta girl!" August shouts, as I get more excited.

"I'm doing the mother fucking Dougie bitches!" I shout, feeling liberated.

August laughs and I stop. My old highschool friend taught me this dance, and it's been my favorite ever since. The cabbage patch.

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