Chapter 36: It Was Only Once

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I pace in front of my desk, my arms crossed. "It's too soon. I can't do it."

"Ma'am, you have to. You've rescheduled four times."

Seven weeks.

It's been seven weeks since I lost my baby. Up until two weeks ago, I've been fine. But the morning I had to go to my doctor's appointment, it hit me.

It's as if a hole has formed in my heart. I can't look at children anymore and feel happy, as I once did. Instead, it's only sadness of what I could have once had.

I can't go back to that hospital. I'll only be filled with disappointment and heartache again. I know what the results will be and my heart or mind can't take that pain.

The only person that has kept me sane is August. Whenever I have a breakdown about it, he holds me in his arms and comforts me.


I stop and face her. "I lost my child, Kelly. That's not a small thing. It's hard for me to walk back in there and not break down, okay?"

"Ms. Davis, I completely understand. My sister and her husband had the same thing happen to them a few years ago. I-"

I step closer. Intrigued and hopeful about her statement. "How did they cope? Did they break apart? How are they now?"

She smiles. "Believe it or not, the miscarriage only brought them closer together. And when she got pregnant, it healed them."

The frown drops from my face. "Really?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"She was told she couldn't have children, either?"

"Yes, ma'am. It was like a second chance, you know? They call the baby their miracle baby."

"Miracle baby?"

Kelly nods. "Yes, ma'am."

I walk back to my desk and exhale a deep breath. When my breathing has returned to normal, I close my eyes. "Fine." I say. I reopen them and check the clock. "Since we won't make it on time today, reschedule it for tomorrow morning. And Kelly, I give you permission to do whatever you have to do to make sure I get to that doctor's appointment, you hear me?"

She smiles widely and nods. "Will do!"

Kelly leaves my office quickly. While she is gone, I work on the new wedding I received. The Walters. I am relieved to find out they only want a simple black and white theme wedding.

As I begin searching for venues, my door bursts open. I look up from my desk and roll my eyes. I try my hardest not to smile as August walks towards me with a Chick-fil-A bag in his hand. Richy follows behind him.

"Robin, I've got news for you." Richy says, flopping on one of the small sofas.

August reaches my desk and sets the bag on it as I wait for Richy to continue. He kisses my cheek. "Hey, gorgeous."

I smile. "Hey, dipshit."

He starts to remove items from the bag. "Did you eat you today?" August asks, setting a burger in front of me.

I accept it eagerly. "No. I forgot to."

He lifts my chin, causing my eyes to meet his. "You forgot to?"

"Yes. Now let me eat the burger. I'm starving."

August takes his hold off of my chin and lets me get back to my burger. He comes behind me and places a kiss on my neck. "I need you to start eating more, alright?"

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