Chapter 10: Vacation begins

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"Kelly, listen to me. It's going to be fine. I trust you. Besides, I won't even be gone for a week. I've left everything you need on my desk."

She mutters something I can't hear, and I exhale a deep breath. Holding the phone with one hand and packing my clothes neatly in the suitcase with the other hand, I try to stay calm.

"Okay, it's not going to be fine. It's going to go horribly wrong and I'm going to lose a lot of customers."

"No, Ms. Davis, remember what we talked about. You have to start being positive, or the stress is going to overwhelm you. The doctor said this can prevent the lu-"

"I know, I know, and I'm trying. But it's going to take a few months."

She gasps, "Months! Ms. Davis-"

"Becoming this optimistic person doesn't just happen overnight, Kelly! I need time. And until then I will be the most pessimistic woman I can be. "

"Ms. D-"

"My company is in your hands until I return, alright? Don't let anyone in my cabinet. I have important and private things in there. Got it? Awesome, I have to go." I hang up just as she is about to reply and toss my phone on my pillow.

I had managed to pack everything I needed for this vacation neatly before Kelly called, so there wasn't much left to do. Now all I needed to do was to get ready.

Two days ago, Marie and Damien called asking August and me to meet them at the coffee shop. By the tone of their voices, I thought it was something serious, so I rushed over. But when I sat down, they were all laughing and smiling. This is when they chose to inform me of the four-day vacation in Los Angeles they had planned for all of us.

They told me it was because they wanted all of us to have a last trip together before they get married. Of course I couldn't say no to my best friend.

We were originally supposed to take a flight, but Marie decided on just renting out a van for the trip. We all agreed I would be the one driving.

With about an hour left until Marie, Damien, and August show up, I double check my suitcase to see if I am fully packed. For the rest of the time being, I work from my computer.

Once they arrive, I load my suitcase and bag in the trunk with everyone else's and take the driver's seat. August sits in the passenger's seat against my will and Marie and Damien in the backseat. As soon as I begin driving, August turns the radio up loudly and I roll my eyes.

"Do you have to turn it up that loud?"

He frowns. "Do you have to be that ugly?"

I scoff. "I am not ugly. You, on the other hand, have the exact features of Donkey from Shrek. In fact, now that I look at you, he might be a little better looking."

"That is fucked up. You didn't have to go that far, Davis."

"And you didn't have to turn it up that loud."

Marie leans forward. "Hey, hey, what are the rules? Do I have to go over them?"


"Rule number one; " she starts, despite our groans of disapproval, "There will be no bickering." She says, looking between August and I. August raises his hand in defense and I scowl.

"Well, tell him to stop being such a dick all the time!"

"Tell her to get some dick! Maybe she won't be such a Debby Downer."

"That's what I mean, you guys. None of this going back-and-forth needs to go on during this vacation. This trip is about having fun and getting a break. Alright? Can you guys do that?"

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