Chapter 25: Blushing

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They stare at each other intently, neither of them blinking. A smug grin rests on August's face as a glare rests on Henry's.

"Henry. Fucking. Milton." August says, his grin growing wider.

This was the thing I had been trying to prevent from happening ever since Henry and I started dating. Now they're having a stare off as we wait for the doctor to return with results about Richy.

When August first called me about what happened, I rushed over. I was with Henry, so I begged him to take me to the hospital. He complained the whole way over as I panicked in the backseat. Thankfully, when we arrived, the doctor said Richy would make it and after the surgery they would let us know the rest.

Up until five minutes ago, I had managed to not let them be around each other.

"August." Henry retorts.

"So you're my girl's boyfriend, right?"

"She's not your girl. She's my girlfriend." Henry turns to me as if I'm the one who said it.

August smirks. "Sure."

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

August points to my stomach. "That's how far my dick was inside of her." He replies, and my mouth goes agape in pure shock.

I swat his hand away. "August!"

He moves in front of me. "Is it not true?" He asks, staring down at me.

I look up at him with a glare. "You're a goddamn asshole."

"I think you're too close to my girlfriend."

August matches my glare and rubs his thumb over my bottom lip. He leans closer, our lips inches apart. "Tell your boy to shut up before I break his jaw, okay, gorgeous?" He says and walks away.

I watch his back as he turns down the hospital hallway. It isn't until Henry scoffs that makes me bring my attention back to him.

"Look, Henry, I'm sorry about-"

"So it seems like the whole city has gotten a taste of you."

My head jerks back slightly in surprise. "What?"

"What the fuck, Robin? You're a whore. Seriously, am I just a game to you?"

My vein pulses and I clench my fists as I step in front of him. "What did you just call me?"

"How many men have you slept with, Robin?" He asks, moving his blonde hair to the side as my anger increases.

"I don't understand why that should matter to you."

He shakes his head. "I'm in a relationship with a slut."

"Three." I say, and his expression changes. "And you know who the best one was? August."

"God, you're such a bi-"

I gulp to avoid the tears that were trying to escape at his words. "And he was so good. We fucked raw everyday and everywhere. Oh god, Henry, he was so amazing. He hit every sp-"

Henry raises his hand to hit me, making me cut myself off. Tears sit at the corner of my eyes. I was feeling the same way I felt throughout my previous relationships. Weak, helpless, angry, useless.

I had built myself into a strong independent woman over the years and it was like Henry was tearing it all down. The opposite of what August makes me feel like. He challenges me, keeps me on my toes, and makes me know my worth. Our bickering, arguing, insulting fuels me up. It's like medicine. Whenever we're not going at each other's throats, I start to feel weak again.

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