Chapter 8

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Belles POV:

today was the day,

we'd already packed all our stuff into our flat all we had to do was unpack.

I said bye to Zoe and Al fie before following Joe inside.

“its got such a beautiful view!” I gasped

Joe stalked over to the window admiring the view of the beach.

“there's only one problem, its not as beautiful as you” smiled at me.

“Joe remember, just friends” I sighed.

“can't we be 'just friends' with benefits?” he smiled, not giving me time to reply to his question as he smashed his lips onto mine.

I wanted to push away,

but I just couldn't,

there was something about Joe,

that always left me wanting more.

I didn't want to push,

and deep down I knew that.

Because he was Joe,

and sparks flew every time we even touched.

I know what I feel for Joe,

but I also know he doesn't feel the same.

So I pulled away,

longing more than the slightest touch of his lips.

“I can't do this Joe” I said, running my shaking hand through my hair.

“I but I need you” Joe sadly smiled.

“give me time” I replied.

Closing my bedroom door I opened my phone and clicked on the one contact I could really trust, who actually lived back home. Gabby. Not you tube gabby my high school best friend gabby who I loved so much.

“gab I have a problem, how fast could you book a train to Brighton?”

“almost immediately”

“good because your coming to stay with me and Joe for a month” I stated.

“the famous Joe sugg ey, is your problem with him” she asked

“kinda, I'll explain all when you're here. Text me what time you arrive.” and with that I ended the phone call.

I needed to see gabby.

She's the only god damn person I can trust.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey lovelys,

how are you guys?

sorry about the short chapter, its just a filler.

I love you guys lots,

~Belle xxx

fairytales // joe sugg (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now