Chapter 12

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"We're here" Gabby smiled as she pulled up in my car.

I just smiled and got out the car.

"Stop worrying you sent her a test to explain what happened your fine" Gabby reassured me.

"Beans" molly shouted across Starbucks earning her weird looks from most people.

"We're in public mol" I laughed. We all ordered our drinks and sat down to have a good old catch up when Zoe and Louise walked in.

"Louise" I squealed completely ignoring Zoe.

"Belle" she squealed back.

"Hey guys this is Louise, Louise is molly and Gabby my two besties" I smiled.
"Oh and that's zoe" I added

"Can we talk a minute" Zoe asked.

I just nodded and headed out the shop with her

"I'm sorry" she blurted out.

"I've been such a bad best friend to you and I've completely shut you out and forced you to be friends with my brother, who I also ship you with as I know you like him and he likes you" Zoe laughed

"W-w-hat I don't like your brother pffft" I tried to hide my embarrassment.

"Aww belly has a cwush, belly has a cwush." Zoe squealed. I tried to sush her but it wouldn't work and to my amazing luck Joe decided he wanted a Starbucks.

"Oh who's this boy you have a crush on ey" he winked at me. I just went slightly red.

"You" Zoe smirked walking back inside. I immediately ran after her, Joe catching up with us at the table.

"But what you don't know is I have a crush on the girl that likes me too" Joe smirked making my cheeks heat up and Zoe squeal.

I sent Gabby the yep me and Joe look and she explained everything to mol who was laughing by the end of it.

"And I was also wondering if this girl would like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" Joe beamed

"I think this girl would" I giggled.

"Looks like I'm staying in Brighton a few days longer" molly smiled.

"You may aswell stay with us" I smiled.

"Yeh it's not like Issys ever in her bed anyways too busy sharing with Joe" Gabby giggled making me and Joe both go red whilst everyone burst into fits of laughter.

"Looks like I'll have to stay now to keep poor Gabby company" Molly smirked.

I went an even brighter shade of red and snuggled my head into joes Neck, earning lots of awes from the people surrounding us.

I was happy here with my best friends,
Please don't tear me down just yet world.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hey guys
My friend forced me to update twice tonight so yay.
Love yall
~belle xx

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