Chapter 29

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Belles POV:

"Hello kids" the hagged looking man smirked.

"Get out of my house, and out of my life before I do something we both know I won't fucking regret" Jake hissed.

"How did you even fucking find us?" I questioned.

"Let's just say I have my ways" the man who identified as my father laughed.

"You've already hurt this family enough, do you not remember what you did to Charlotte. Leave or I'll call the police" Jake yelled.

"Who's Charlotte?" I asked my slightly older brother.

"It doesn't matter okay?" Jake smiled.

"I want to know, and I want to know now" I demanded.

"Then you better sit down" my waste of space father spat.

I took a seat on the couch still confused when Jake started.

"Okay erm where do I start. Okay so erm we were born on June 24th, and there was us then there was also Charlotte" what? "We had a little sister. We were triplets" you're kidding me right "when we were two years old, Charlotte went 'missing', but really dad had put her up for adoption. she came to find us 3 years ago when dad decided to take matters into his own hands, and let's just say. She's in hospital and has been for 3 years because of him"  Jake explained.

"I'm done, I'm so fucking done. I'm going to find Charlotte, and me, Joe and you Jake are going home. To where WE belong. Fuck you two." I spat at my parents.

Time to pack my stuff I guess.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I really need to update more often tbh.
I'm so lazy Lolol.
How are you guys?
Who wants some 5sos fanfics?
Omfg watch once upon a time and fangirl over season four Henry with me!
Okay love yall
~belle xx

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