22. Arguing

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22. Arguing

-10 minutes earlier-

"Max, thats not what happened," I shook my head. "I loved you and your sister so, so much. But it wasn't possible for me to stay with your Mum anymore." I tried to explain, feeling guilty.

"You said if you didn't listen to that man, you would not be able to sing with my Uncles anymore. But you decided you would rather sing with my Uncles, then be my Daddy." Max told me, looking hurt. "Max," I said, not sure of what to say next. Why am I trying to explain all of this to a five year old?

"I've missed you so much Max. And your sister and your Mum," I told him. "Sisters." Max corrected. "I never got to meet Megan," I explained. "A few years ago, I wasn't a very good man. I hurt your Mummy's feelings over and over again. She didn't think I would be a good Daddy for Megan. But I would really love to meet her."

"You are a good Daddy," Max tried to assure me, smiling. "How would you know?" I asked, cracking a smile and raising my eyebrows. "Because when I told you that my name was Max Peazer, you didn't pretend that you weren't my Dad. You told me right away."

I smiled, looking down at my coffee cup. Hot steam was pouring out the hole on the lid, then slowly fading into the air. "Come back to my house with me," Said Max.

"Max your Mum would not be happy with me, or you," I said to Max, shaking my head. "You never know," Said Max, shrugging and sliding off his chair, "Maybe she'll be super-duper happy and run up to you and hug you and then you guys can get married again."

I chuckled, "I wouldn't get your hopes up."

Present Time.

"Liam? What are you doing here?" Asked Danielle, eyes wide. She put one last spoon down beside a bowl, and brushed her hands off on her pants. "I met Max at the bakery," I replied, trying to act calm, though my heart was beating a million beats per second.

"What- How?" Asked Danielle, shaking her head in disbelief. "He didn't have enough money for his doughnut and his hot chocolate, so I helped him pay. Then Max asked what my name was so he could thank me. I told him my name was Liam, and asked what his name was," I explained.

"He said that you and him used to be in love, and that you guys were gonna get married," Max chimed in, as he kicked his boots to the side of the doorway. "So, I decided I would invite him over for dinner with our family. That way, you and him can fall in love again and get married."

My eyes wandered around Danielle's apartment. That's when I noticed the small child lying on the sofa. She looked absolutely horrible. A dish-cloth lay unevenly over her eyes and forehead. A bucket sat at the end of the sofa, presumably a barf-bucket.

She must be Megan.

"No Max, I'm sorry. We're not going to fall in love again," Danielle shook her head. "Why not?" Asked Max, lip beginning to quiver. Max side-stepped towards me, and grabbed onto my leg. "I love my Daddy, and I want him to live with us," Said Max, holding my leg tightly.

"Max. You don't even know him," Danielle said, walking around the island. She leaned on the island on the side closest to Max and I. "But Mummy, you don't know him either. You haven't seen each other for three whole years," Said Max, "People can change."

"Not this man," Danielle shook her head. Her eyes were glassy and her lips were tightly pursed together. "Your Father could never change. Max, you're five. You don't understand any of this."

"Why are you acting so bitter?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Danielle, "I want to give us another chance at having a relationship." Her lips slowly parted as she prepared to respond. "I got your text." She lowered her voice. Her big brown eyes began flickering around the room as she tried to avoid eye contact.

"What text, Danielle?" I asked, crinkling my face into an odd expression and shaking my head. "Like you don't know," Said Danielle, voice raising.

"I haven't texted you," I claimed. "Oh yeah? Then what's this?" Asked Danielle, turning around. Her eyes scanned the counter. When she didn't see what she was looking for, she turned back towards Max and I. But Danielle walked straight past us, down the hallway, and into one of the doors.

"I need the phone, baby," Said Danielle from inside the room. "Awe," A young girl complained. "Sorry Emily, I have to go." I could hear a small voice say, probably into the phone. "I can call you later," The girl suggested, voice optimistic. "Okay, bye." She said. I could hear the beep of the phone call ending.

"Why do you need your phone?" Asked the younger girl. "I need to check my texts," Danielle replied, voice getting louder as she exited the room. I tried to act as if I hadn't been listening to Danielle & presumably Madison's conversation. "This is the message I'm talking about." Said Danielle, holding the iPhone up to my face. I took a step backward, so I would be able to read the message.

"I just can't do this. I'm so sorry. I know this is hard... I will always love you But there's someone else I cant get off my mind. I just can't deal with us at the moment."

"Oh God, Danielle... That message wasn't meant for you..." I began to feel hot as the realization hit. That message was meant to be sent to Olivia, not Danielle. They have similar phone numbers, and I must have selected the wrong contact when the door knocked.

"Don't lie to me," Said Danielle. She pulled the phone away from my face and turned it off. She turned around and set it on the counter, before turning back to me. "Max, please go to your bedroom for a few minutes," Danielle requested, looking down at our son.

"I want to stay with Daddy," Said Max, holding my leg tightly.

"Do not make me ask again, Max Ethan." Said Danielle in a warning voice. "Fine," Max snapped, crawling out from under my legs. "Mum, I hate you! I normally love you, but you are being just unfair. I just want a chance to have my Dad in my life!" Max shouted, before running down the hall. He pushed one of the doors open, went inside, and slammed the door shut loudly. The house rumbled as the door slammed.

It was silent for the next few moments as Danielle stared at me in rage. She was breathing deeply, and her face was turning a light shade of red. Her knuckles were tightly clenched. "I'm sorry, but I want a chance to have my kids in my life," I spoke up. "You don't get to." She immediately replied.

"That's not fair. I deserve a chance to raise my own children."

"You lost that chance."

"You never gave me a fair chance. And for the record, that text was meant for Olivia. Not for you."

"Liam, just shut-up with the excuses. You lost your chance, okay?"

"I'm taking you to court, Danielle. I want full custody of my children." I said full-custody as if it was the worst possible situation in the world. My ex-fiancé looked like she was just stabbed in the heart. "You wouldn't take my children away from me," She said, as her panic began to sink in.

"Watch me." I hissed.

"And I would easily win the court-case. I was a great father to Max and Madison a few years ago. I wanted back in the kids' lives, but you told me your were aborting Megan. How would a jury feel if they knew you were going to abort your last child? I don't think thats a suitable mother."

"I will never forgive you, Liam Payne, if you mention the fact that I considered abortion." Danielle narrowed her eyes. "You're never going to forgive me anyway." I shrugged.

"So I'm taking you to court. And I'm going to win."

Forgive me for the shittiest chapter ever.
I just wasn't having fun writing this chapter.
The next chapters will be better bc I'm excited to write them.
QOTD: Will Liam take Danielle to court? Any comments on the chapter?
I love you all so much, its crazy. ♡
-A xoxo

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