8. Help Me

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8. Help Me


I finished the rehearsals for the other dances I'm part of. I tried to avoid Olivia, but she's honestly pretty hard to avoid. She's everywhere, wanting to be the centre of attention. She was horrible during the dance rehearsal. First, she tumbled into Sydney. Then she twisted her ankle. Then she was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. She's going to completely ruin the dance. I just know it. Everyone here knows it. Even Olivia knows it.

It was difficult to work with her but I pulled through. Everyone was pretty frustrated with her. I honestly have no idea how she even got accepted to dance for X-Factor. It doesn't make sense. She probably paid the producers millions of dollars. It had to be some sort of bribe or special treatment.

At the moment I'm changing from my dance clothes into my spare clothes. I don't want to admit it, but I stink. Dance really tires me out, especially since I'm 28. I think I'm 28... I don't really keep track anymore. I know Mad's allergies, Max's favourite donut and Meg's favourite stuffed animal, but I don't know my age. You know you're a Mum when...

I tossed my smelly clothes into a plastic bag and shoved that bag into my tote bag. It's supposed to storm tonight. I have to be ready. Both Megan and Benson are afraid of lightning. Megan and Benson hate the flashes of light. Benson also hates the rumbling thunder. Megan can't hear the thunder, thankfully.

I would feel horrible for Megan if she could hear the booms of thunder. I hate it when Megan's scared, because she tries to yell for help. Then Megan's voice scares Max, then Benson get's scared, then Madison get's scared because everyone else is scared. It's hard to keep everyone calm during storms.

I zipped up my bag, and left the tiny fitting room. I parked my car in the back, and I think it's raining. Darn. My hair is probably going to frizz-up in all directions. "Bye!" Sydney called after me. I turned on my heel, giving her a quick wave. "Bye." I replied, smiling and turning around again.

I walked out the back door, and over to my car. It was already starting to rain. I shielded my head with my tote bag and ran towards the vehicle. I fumbled to get my keys to unlock the door. Sighing in frustration, I put my bag on the ground and knelt down beside it. I unzipped and began rifling through it for my keys.

Finally my fingers wrapped around the key chain, and I plucked it from the bag. I stood up quickly, not realizing I was crouching right under the side-view mirror. My head banged into it, sending a horrible pain spidering down my head. I fell back down to the ground, head already beginning to pound.

I pulled my eyes open, and everything was blurry. "Stupid," I mumbled, reaching for the door-handle and pulling myself up. I took a moment to lean on the car, and re-gain my balance.

Once my vision restored, I bent over to pick up my bag. This time I was careful not to hit my head. Still mumbling profanities, I unlocked the car and climbed inside. I dropped my tote bag on the passenger seat, and stuck the key into the ignition. Once the car was running, I buckled up and turned on the radio.

I have to pick Max, Madison and Megan up from Zayn and Perrie's house. Actually, I think it's just Zayn watching the kids today. Perrie had something to do. Doesn't matter. Max just adores Zayn. It makes me really glad that Max has his Uncle Zayn in his life, since Max doesn't have a father-figure to look up to.

Head still pounding, I put the car in reverse and pulled out of my parking space. I put the car back into gear, and began driving. Maybe I'll pick up some pizza or something on the way to pick up the kids. It's 4pm, and I'm not really in the mood to cook dinner. I think I'll grab sandwiches from Subway.

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