20. Autumn Air

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20. Autumn Air

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"Hey Mum, can I please go to the bakery?" I asked, looking up from my light blue Nintendo DS. Uncle Zayn and Auntie Perrie gave me this DS for my birthday. Mum looked up at the shiny, clean, microwave to check the time. Mum looked back at me.

"I suppose. But be back before 6pm for dinner," She told me, smiling.

"Thanks Mum! I will!" I cheered, pushing the lid of the DS closed, and putting it down on the sofa.

"Put on your warm, blue, coat," Mum added as she cut some celery into small pieces, "Its getting colder and colder outside every day. Before you know it, it will be Halloween!" She exclaimed, sweeping the celery into a large pot on the stove. I nodded, jumping up to lift my coat off the hook. I don't really like wearing this coat, because its puffy and makes me look like a giant marshmallow.

"Do you have money for a treat?" Mum asked, as I slowly buttoned up my coat. I reached into my coat pocket and put my hand inside. I felt a small coins. "Yeah, I do." I replied, pulling on some boots. "Okay. I love you, Bud.

Have fun," Said Mum, putting down her knife.

She walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. "Love you too." I replied, bending over to grab my T-Rex coloured mittens from the floor.

"Remember to look both ways when you cross the road to the bakery."

Mum added in her warning-mom-voice, as she walked back to the kitchen. "I know, Mum, I'll be super-duper careful." I rolled my eyes, pulling the front door open.

I stepped out into the hallway, and pulled the door closed behind me. Once I was walking down to the elevator, I slid my mittens over my hands. It keeps getting cold outside, because it is getting closer, and closer, to winter! Winter means Christmas, and Christmas means presents!

When I reached the silver elevator door, I pressed the DOWN button. Apparently the elevator was already on our floor, because right after I pressed the button, the door opened. I stepped inside the elevator, and pressed the big lobby button. The doors closed, and the elevator began to move.

I love going to the bakery. It is just across the road from our apartment building. It sells cupcakes, and dough-nuts, and hot cocoa, and coffee, and bagels and cookies and little cakes...

There are lots of options to choose from. Sometimes I go to the bakery to think. It's probably my favourite place.

Sometimes I sit by the window in the bakery, and watch families walk past.

Most families have a Mum, Dad, and some kids. They laugh. They play. The Dads give the kids piggy-back rides. But not my family. I do not have a Father to give me a piggy-back ride. A little while back, I tried asking Mum if I could have a Dad, and she got really upset with me. I felt really horrible. I don't mention it anymore.

The elevator dinged when it reached the lobby. I stepped out, and walked to the outside doors. I pushed the doors outwards, stepping into the busy sidewalks. Many people were rushing past, probably trying to get home to their families for dinner. The air was very chilly. The wind messed up my hair and the cold air nipped at my ears and my nose. I think I need a hot cocoa from the bakery today.

I looked both ways, being careful to cross the road when no cars were coming. I reached the small bakery, and pulled the door open. Once I was inside, I was warm again. I shivered, and let out a cold puff of breath. I took one deep breath, smelling all the delicious pastries, cakes, cupcakes, doughnuts and bagels. There is always too many options in this bakery. Its always so hard to choose just one or two treats.

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