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3. Strangers


I walked through Walmart, throwing snacks in the cart for this evening with the boys. One Direction has a two week break from the tour which is really nice, so we're getting our families together for a movie night.

Niall will be coming with Mason, Zayn and Perrie will be coming with brand-new baby Halle, Louis and Eleanor are coming with Emily and Cameron, Harry and Samantha are bringing themselves, and I'm bringing my beautiful girlfriend Olivia. She's so perfect, I just can't put it into words. I feel like a little lovesick puppy.

I tossed four bags of chips into the cart, and began noticing the food-items piling up. I got four bags of chips, two buckets of ice cream, six pizzas, four buckets of assorted candies, and oreo cookies. I'm probably going to put on a few pounds tonight.

I continued walking down the snack aisle, about to go check-out my items. I passed the toy aisle, which sparked an idea. I should buy Halle a gift. I bought Cameron and Emily stuffed animals when they were born. Cameron got a duck, and Emily got a hippo. I think I'll buy Halle a stuffed animal as well. Carry on the tradition.

I stopped the cart, and left at the end of the snack-aisle while I wandered into the toys. I'm very excited to someday marry Olivia and have children with her. We'll buy our children adorable toys, books, furniture... We're going to be a very perfect, loving family. I'm planning to propose sometime soon.

My eyes scanned the random items in the toys aisle. I felt like I was drowning in colourful stuffed sheep and toy cars. I reached into a large, cardboard stuffed animal bin, and pulled out the first stuffed animal my hand touched. It was a pink tiger. It's actually very cute. I checked the price tag, and it wasn't too expensive.

I began walking back to the cart. I passed a little boy who was looking at old Toy Story figurines. "Who's your favourite character?" I asked the boy as I passed. "I think I like Woody the best, because he's a cowboy." The boy replied, averting his eyes to me. His face was cute. Bright blue eyes, two missing teeth, and scruffy blonde hair.

"I like Woody too. Cowboys are fun." I agreed, grinning at the young boy. "Max!" A young girl shouted, peeking into the aisle. "What?" The boy asked, turning his head towards the girl. "Momma says it's time to go." The brunette little girl informed him. Wait. Did that little girl call him... Max?

I turned back to the little girl, as Max put the Rex toy back on the shelf. "Bye." Max mumbled, lifting his hand in an unenthusiastic wave. "Wait a second," I said, jogging to step in front of the boy. His eyes widened, and he took a step away from me. "My Mum wants me. I have to go." He told me in a firm voice.

"What's your Mum's name?" I asked. "That's none of your business. We don't know you." Max told me, shoving past me and walking back to the girl. "Well, what's her name?" I asked, pointing to the curly haired brunette girl. "Her name is Maddie." Max mumbled, meeting Maddie at the end of the aisle. She had a nervous look on her face.

"Who's that weird guy?" Maddie asked, glancing at me with fear in her big brown eyes. "I don't know... But he looks familiar." Max tried to whisper. These can't be the Max and Madison I used to know. They're so big... It's just a coincidence that they have the same names. "Let's go." Maddie said, grabbing Max's hand and dragging him away.

I have to follow them. I waited until they were out of sight before I jogged to find them. They were walking down the main aisle, looking for their mother. It can't be Danielle... Can it? "Mum?" Max shouted down each aisle they passed. "Mumma!" Maddie joined in, shouting down the aisles on the other side.

"There she is, Max," Said Maddie, pointing down the aisle. I read the sign above the aisle. It read OFFICE AND ART SUPPLIES in large white letters. Max and Maddie ran into the aisle, out of my sight. "Mum, I found a Woody toy!" Max said. "You already have a Woody toy." The Mother replied.

I can't tell if it sounds like Danielle or not. I stood at the end of the aisle, leaning on a binders and duo-tangs display. "Can I have another toy? Pleaseee?" Max asked. "Sorry buddy, I already bought you a new action figure today. Maybe next time." The mother said. I heard a deep sigh, "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine."

"Let's go pay. Meg isn't feeling good." Said the Mother. I let out a sigh of relief, and took my weight off the display. Danielle doesn't have a child named Meg. I'm just being paranoid. I made an o shape with my lips, and let out another deep breath as I walked back to the cart. I placed my hands on the handles, and began pushing it to the checkout.

I smiled at the pink tiger in the cart. I hope Halle loves it. I looked up, going to check-out 9. I got in line behind Max, Maddie, their mother, and another little girl. I couldn't see the front of the mother, or the front of the little girl. But Maddie and Max were whispering to each other, and pointing at me.

I added my own items to the counter, adding a divider between me and Max's families items. "Thanks." Said the woman, quickly turning towards me to smile. She quickly turned back, probably forgetting I ever existed. I should have been paying attention to what she looks like. I mean, it could be Danielle. I know how I can find out.

"Hey Danielle."


I quickly turned around, thanking the man for placing a divider between our items. I didn't bother catching his eyes, because Megan isn't feeling well. I want to check out my items as soon as possible, and get home to call the doctor. The doctors warned us that things might go wrong as Megan get's older, and I don't want to gamble with Meg's life. I'm calling the doctor, whether she has a life-threatening illness or the flu.

"That'll be 27.05." The clerk told me. I nodded, taking out my debit card. I inserted it into the machine, and waited for it to process. "He's scaring me." I heard Madison mumble to Max, as they peered at the man behind us. They're probably been paranoid. I swear, those kids get scared way too easily.

"Hey Danielle." Said a deep voice that interrupted my thoughts. I could recognize that voice anywhere. It's Liam. I can't turn around. I can't let him know that it's really me. I-I have to ignore him... Maybe it's not even him? Maybe I'm just hearing things... I haven't talked to Liam since Megan was born... He doesn't know anything about her. He doesn't think she exists. Liam thinks that Megan was aborted and tossed in the trash.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" The clerk asked me. I snapped back into reality, nodding. "Please select chequing or savings and enter your pin." The clerk urged. I nodded hesitantly, typing into the debit-machine. I took my card out, and slid it into my pocket. The clerk passed me three bags and my receipt.

"Thanks." I whispered, not wanting Liam to hear my voice. "Have a nice day." The clerk smiled. "You too." I whispered, putting the bags in the cart and pushing it away. "I'm sorry for calling you Danielle," Liam called after me, "I thought you were someone else."

I kept walking towards the exit, pushing the cart and pretending I didn't hear him. I don't want Liam and his negativity back into my life. If I did, I would have thrown my arms around him and kissed him repetitively. But I don't want Liam. I don't want that man back into my life ever again. Never in a million years.

Bonjour! I'm going to try and update every day, if possible!
A lot of you thought this chapter would go like this, and you were kinda right!
QOTD- Will Max and Madison clue in, to who Liam is? Is Megan really sick? What's wrong with her?
Sorry, just trying to get some interesting commentssmiley
Btw I decided to call you all my bananaminions

P.S I made a fan account for 1D and 5sos with two of my besties pleasee follow @9reasons_ on Instagram.
Love you all,
-A xo

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