Sick Day

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Shit, I overslept. School started an hour ago. You can tell I don't share a dorm room with anyone since nobody made sure I wasn't dead. My head is pounding and I feel sick. Maybe it's for the best I didn't hear my alarm. Might as well go back to sleep.

Cut to lunch - 3rd person.

Charlie, Fulton and Dean continue their conversation as they take their seats at the Duck table. The whole table is split into separate conversations. However, Julie's question gets everyone's attention.

"Hey, has anyone seen Y/N today?" She notices the empty chair next to Luis.

"She wasn't in chemistry first period." Ken replies as the rest of them glance at each other in confusion.

"She wasn't in English either." Guy adds.

"I hope she's alright." Connie says.

"We should go see her later. Are we all together last period?" Adam suggests.

"Nah, half of us have music." Dean answers.

"The rest of us have maths." Russ continues.

"I guess we'll meet you guys there." Fulton shrugs.

The Ducks go on with their day as the bell rings. Like most days, the school day flies by after lunch. Whilst they miss Y/N and hope she's okay, they don't let it consume their day. Eventually, the final bell rings - prompting the Ducks to head to Y/N's dorm. Since the music room is closer, the Ducks from that class arrive first.


"What the fuck?" I groan as knocking at my door wakes me up. "What time is it?"

I try to wake up enough to get out of bed. The knocking continues as I hear my name being called from the other side. I can't comprehend who it is, so I groggily yell as I make my way to the door.

"Who is it?"

"Charlie and Ducks." I hear Charlie reply from outside.

I open the door to see the smiling faces of some of my best friends. I was meant to be in music with them before this. Some of their faces change as they see how off I look.

"Hey, guys." I say, gaining a cluster of greetings as I let them in.

"Hey, you okay?" Fulton asks.

"Yeah, we haven't seen you." Dwayne adds.

"I overslept and felt like shit when I woke up."

"Have you taken any medicine?" Charlie asks.

"Don't have any, I've been asleep most of the day."

"I have some in my room - I'll go grab it." Connie smiles before leaving.

"Did I miss much? Any homework?" I ask the remaining Ducks.

"Yeah, English. Another essay." Averman drops the bad news on me as Dean rolls his eyes, not wanting to do it.

A minute or so later, we are interrupted by another knock at the door. I call for them to come in - expecting it to be Connie. As the door opens, Connie walks in followed by the rest of the team. They all say their hellos as they trickle into the room.

"How you feeling?" Ken asks.

"I'll be better in the morning. Thanks, Connie." I say before taking the  medicine. "This happens sometimes. Not necessarily sick - just feel like shit today, you know?"

They all tell me about what I've missed today. Not much academically - but I did miss Averman putting on voices when reading in English. That would've been a highlight for the day. Soon, they begin to leave for a few different reasons. By the end, Fulton is the only person left. Before he goes, he asks:

"You need anything?"

"Can you come cuddle with me for a bit?" I pout with puppy dog eyes.

He let's out a soft laugh and says, "I knew you'd say that. I'll go get you some water first."

I just smile as he goes to get me a cold glass of water. Even though I've been asleep most of the day, I've missed him and this. He quickly comes back and places the cup on my desk. After taking his shoes off, he climbs into my bed and instantly starts cuddling me. I guess he's missed me today. A mixture of Fulton and the medicine start to make me feel better. Shortly, we both fall asleep again.

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