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Just want to give a shoutout to H1s_B4byD0ll_ for bouncing off ideas for this story. Go follow them as they've just started a Ducks book.

We've been talking about this for a few weeks now. Prom season. Hockey had been our priority all year, so it feels weird that prom is now at the top of our list. We were going to just go as friends - a team. However, couples have prevailed - though we're still gonna hang out with the others most of the time. The couples going within the group are: Connie and Guy, Julie and Adam, and Dean and Fulton - I mean me and Fulton. Charlie is also going with Linda.

Obviously, the couples decided to match in some way - though the whole team went to buy stuff together. If I didn't know already, that shopping experience made it obvious how the actual thing would be.

Tonight is prom night and we're late... Well, the Bash Boyfriends and I are. Personally, I've been ready for the last 20 minutes. Dean and Fulton, however, keep trying to fix each other's hair and outfits whilst bickering about the tiniest details. Dean's outfit is more coordinated with Fulton's than mine is! So, I left without them noticing. I didn't expect to be walking into prom alone, but here we go.

"There you are! We've been looking for you!" Russ yells over the music.

"Looking good, girly!" Luis adds.

"Why are you alone? Where's Fulton?" Ken addresses the elephant in the room.

"He's with his boyfriend - prepping for the wedding at the end of the world!" My response doesn't even get questioned.

It takes another 5 minutes before Dean and Fulton walk through the double doors. If they stand any closer, they'll be in each other's arms. Clearly honing in on me, Fulton comes for confrontation.

"Why did you disappear?"

"Because I actually wanted to go to prom this century." I fire back as we stand by the food table.

"Hey, we just wanted to look good!" Dean defends the pair.

"You look like you did when you started getting ready over an hour ago!"

"What did we forget to do?" Dean mumbles as he gets closer to Fulton.

"Nothing! You both look great! Let's just have a good time, okay?" I shut them down.

In the spirit of the night, we ignore our differing music tastes - for the most part - and dance with our friends. Averman and Goldie easily have the goofiest moves - no doubt about it. On a few occasions, Fulton catches Dean staring - practically drooling over me. Every single time, he gets a whack and a warning. At the same time, you'd think they planned some of their choreography. Perhaps they just share a brain cell.

Between songs, I find myself chatting with all my friends - taking some photos to commemorate the night. As Walk This Way by Aerosmith and Run-D.M.C. starts to play, I know that chaos is about to ensue. A friend from my drama class (Casper) is insanely good at break-dancing. So, he naturally tears up the dance floor as everyone cheers.

Seeing how impressed we are, Adam, Guy, Fulton and Dean join Casper to try and impress us. As you can imagine, they injure themselves almost immediately. I can't help but face-palm.

"Why are we with them again?" Julie questions as Dwayne, Ken, Averman and Luis help them up.

"I don't know anymore." Connie shakes her head.

The crowd disperses as the song fades out. Dean and Fulton are dusting themselves off and are, once again, fixing every little detail of each others outfits - all while they reassure each other that they look badass. Just kiss already! I stand at a distance with my arms crossed as I watch it all unfold.

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