Switching Teams

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This is another request from c4reb34r - hope it lives up to your expectations. I actually had a lot of fun with this one, so thanks for requesting it,

My dad is very important to Eden Hall - especially his money. Naturally, my brother and I get everything - but it's how you let it affect you that determines what kind of person you are. I'm the only girl on the Varsity hockey team - even though my age means I should be on the JV team. I hate these guys. Scooter's okay, but a lot of the time he gets lost in the others' antics.

When I heard that the Mighty Ducks would be joining on scholarships, I was actually really excited - despite what everyone around me said. I met Connie at some camp I had to go to last summer. We got on really well in the week we were there, so I've been looking forward to seeing her again. Thankfully, she remembered me, I actually had a friend in this school.

When original members of the team came crashing in on the first day, I thought it was funny and charming. Everyone else seemed mortified. Considering my age, I have some of the Ducks in all of my classes. They were all shocked when they found out that Rick is my brother. I hang out with the Ducks a lot but it doesn't stop him and the rest of the Varsity team from hurling abuse at us. I've tried to tell our dad but nothing comes of it.

If anyone sympathises with me, it's Adam. He's my only friend on the Varsity team - I feel bad that they took him away from the others. Sometimes, I sit with the Ducks at lunch (I've managed to take Adam with me a few times). Other times, I sit with Adam and the Varsity table and suffer with him. Today is not one of those days.

I had to stay back at the end of music class to talk to the teacher about a potential loophole in the next assignment. I'm good enough friends with the Ducks to know they'll leave a seat for me at our usual table. They did offer to wait outside the classroom but I told them to go ahead. When I walk in, I sit at the end of the table by Connie and Luis. Most of them are here, but a few guys are missing.

"Hey guys." I smile as I sit down with my food.


"What'd she say? Does the loophole work?" Connie asks as a few more of the guys turn their attention to us.

"Yep. As long as I can make enough compelling points and turn it into a full essay, they can't fault me."

"Well played." Guy applauds.

I laugh and pretend to bow as others join in. The team quiets down to let me explain how we can cheat the system for the music assignment. Maybe now Goldberg will choose to do the work without us having to remind him that he can't play otherwise.

As I finish my explanation, I see a familiar and frustrating sight. Once again, Rick and Cole are shoving Kenny around and taking his food before pushing him away. They do this every day. Now without lunch, he drags his feet over to the table and sits opposite me.

"Hey, Kenny." Connie greets him Sympathetically.

"Hey." He replies glumly as Connie and I give him some of our food - something we've gotten used to doing. "Thanks."

"Ken, I'm really sorry about them." I apologise for my idiotic brother and his friends.

"It's okay. There's nothing you can do." He shrugs in defeat.

I glare at my insufferable brother as he grins and waves. There has to be something I can do. Although I revert back to random conversations across the table, my mind is occupied by potential ideas to help. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the commotion at Rick's table in front of me. I can't even process what's happening before the entire table - and then rest of the cafeteria - start chasing Fulton, Charlie and Russ out the doors.

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