Because You're My Best Friend

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"I better get going - I'm supposed to meet Adam and Fulton in 10." Charlie says as he hugs me goodbye.

"Have fun. Tell them I said hi."

"Will do."

As I shut the door, I smile to myself. It's not often I hang out with just Charlie. I go to the window and watch as he walks up the street. Before he gets to the corner, he turns to wave at me, knowing I'd be watching. When he is out of sight, I sit back on the couch and watch Boy Meets World as I wait for my mother to come home from work. During Eric's 'Good Looking Guy' theme song moment, the phone rings.


"Hey, Y/N." I recognise the voice.

"Hey, Averman, what's up?"

"Are you busy?" He sounds slightly nervous.

"Nah, Charlie left not long ago. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, but I could use some help. Can I come over?"

"Of course, I'll get a drink ready."

"Thanks - see you in a few."

After hanging up, I head to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate since it's freezing. Whilst the kettle boils, I can't help but feel curious about how Averman seemed off on the phone. Maybe I'm just imagining things - or he forgot to do his homework. My thoughts are interrupted by a specific knock on the door (something we came up with to knock on the walls of the dorms during the Goodwill Games).

"It's open!" I call from the kitchen. "I'll be there in a minute!" I add as the door shuts.

I grab our mugs and make my way into the living room. Averman has already made himself at home on the couch - making me smile. As I hand him a drink and sit beside him, I say:

"Hot chocolate with whipped cream and extra mini marshmallows - just how you like it."

"You're the best."

"I know. What's the situation? What do ya need? Murder partner? Help with arson? Another prank on the team? An alibi? I'm up for anything." I ask excitedly making him laugh.

"I wish. Although I do have something cooking for cake-eater."

As per usual, we get caught up in random conversations and go on multiple tangents. After a while, I catch onto the fact that amongst the many topics he's brought up, nothing has involved me helping him.

"So what was it you actually came for?" I ask, making him slightly on edge as he's been trying to avoid it.

"I need some advice."

"What kind?"

"I like this girl and I don't know how to ask her out." He hesitantly tells me whilst avoiding eye contact.

"Aw, and you came to me for advice? Who is she?" Curiosity sinks in.

"Not important." He quickly shuts me down. "What do I do?"

"How long have you liked this girl?"


"Years? Damn, Curly."

"I know."

"Well, tell me about her. What do you like about her?" I ask him with a hint of sadness on the inside.

"She's beautiful and caring. Not really a girly girl. Great taste in movies and music. Every time she focuses on something, or talks about something she's passionate about, it's the most adorable thing ever. Plus, she stands up for her friends no matter what." Averman gushes - I can't help but smile seeing him so happy.

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