Rock Show

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Tonight my band are playing at a small event in town. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous - but this is a huge chance for us. Since it's a local event, anyone can turn up. Sure, nobody could turn up but we have to take the risk. Being the only girl in the band has its struggles, but it's good to know the guys always have my back.
After a quick sound check, we all split up.

"See you guys later." I say to them.

"Don't be late." Our bass player instructs me.

"You're the one who's always late Luke." I laugh. I've known Luke longer than the others - basically my whole life.

"Whatever. I'll pick you up at 4." He laughs back.

As I walk down the street, I pass a large group of teenagers around my age - including a cowboy. Usually, that'd terrify me. However, they seem like good people. A few of them smile at me as I walk past. Some of them are pretty cute, so I smile back. After I pass them, I realise that there was only 2 girls in that big group. I'm sure they have a similar relationship to the one I have with my band.

A little while later, I decide to stop at a cafe owned by a family friend. Luckily, it's pretty quiet today. I take a seat in the booth in the far corner and pull out my notebook containing lyrics. I lay it out on the table in front of me before going to the counter to order.

"Hey, Y/N." My mum's friend, Rose greets me. "You want the usual?" She asks considering how much time I spend here.

"Yes, please." I reply.

"I'll bring it right out."

I thank her and go to grab a couple of napkins. As I reach them, I notice some people come in. It's a few of those teenagers I saw before. They probably don't remember me but why should they? As I grab some napkins, one of them comes over to do the same. I quickly glance at him and give him a small smile.

"I like your shirt." He smiles back, referencing my Nirvana shirt.

"Thanks, I like yours too." I quickly point at his Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt.

I head back to my booth and try not to keep staring at the group. Almost as soon as I sit down, Rose comes back out with my food and milkshake. I thank her as she sits across from me.

"You excited for the show tonight?"

"Yeah but I'm worried I'm gonna forget the words or mess up. Luke is picking me up at 4."

"You'll crush it, I'm sure." She smiles. "I better see what those kids want."

When she leaves, I notice a few of them looking over at me. I ignore them and start eating. With only my milkshake left, I begin reading through the lyrics to try and ensure I remember them. As I turn the page to a new song, one of the guys from the group sits opposite me.

"Can I help you?"

"Sorry. Hi, I'm Dean Portman."

"Y/N L/N." I introduce myself.

"Nice to meet ya. You're really pretty."

"Oh, uh, thank you." I smile back - flustered by the situation.

"My friend over there hasn't been able to stop thinking about you since we passed you in the street earlier." He leans forward and lowers his voice as if he doesn't want his friend to hear.

"Looks like you got a lot of friends." I laugh awkwardly. "Which one are you on about?"

"The guy in the Chili Peppers tee."

"Really?" I mean he is pretty cute.

"Y/N, it's almost 4." Rose interrupts.

"Oh, shoot. Sorry, I gotta go." I apologise as I put my notebook back in my bag and stand up.

"No worries." Dean says as he goes to rejoin his friends.

"Thanks for the food, Rose."

"You're welcome. Good luck tonight - have fun."

"It was nice to meet you." I smile and quickly wave as I pass Dean and his friends - looking at the other boy I had talked to before quickly leaving.

Cut to the event

As we wait for our turn to get on stage, I start pacing around. Nerves are becoming a little overwhelming but it shows I care.

"Y/N, calm down. We were made for this." Our drummer, Tyler says.

"Where's Luke?" Scotty, our guitarist, asks.

"Late as per usual." Tyler laughs.

"You guys aren't helping."

As I go to get some water, Luke runs in. Who knows where he had gone. I mean, he picked me up but as soon as we got here, he vanished. There's no time for me to grill him as a member of staff comes to tell us we're on in a couple of minutes. This next 25 minutes could be a disaster. It's now or never.

When we get on stage, we take our positions. Once I reach the microphone, I look into the crowd and introduce us. More people turned up than I thought. You've got to be kidding me. That entire group of teenagers is here. A few of them wave at me. I didn't think I could get more nervous.

Throughout our set, I find myself constantly looking over at them, especially that cute guy Dean mentioned. The nerves melt away as I get into the zone. I'm no longer afraid to reach for the high notes or belt stuff or add rasp.

The 25 minutes fly by. It was so much fun. With the final song finished, I thank the crowd before bowing with my guys beside me. We head off stage and celebrate. As they put their stuff away, I head over to the bar to get an icy glass of coke. Whilst I stand waiting I hear someone start talking to me.


"Hey. Are you stalking me?" I laugh awkwardly.

"No, purely coincidental, I swear." He laughs nervously. "That was amazing. You guys really wail."

"Thanks. Did you just quote Wayne's World?" I raise an eyebrow and quickly thank the man who hands me my drink.

"Yeah, sorry. Couldn't help myself."

"I love Wayne's World." I say to try make him less nervous.

"Me too. Seriously though, that was amazing. You sound like Amy Lee mixed with Joan Jett."

"What?" My eyes widen and my jaw drops. "Really?"


"Thank you so much. That's the biggest compliment ever." I grin like a fool. "So, do I get to know your name? Or am I just gonna have to call you Wayne?"

"My name is Fulton. Fulton Reed." He smiles - sticking his hand out to shake mine.

"I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N." I shake his hand.

Fulton and I talk for a few more minutes before we decide to exchange phone numbers. Turns out he's on a hockey team - I love hockey. He takes me over to officially meet his friends - who I guess are his teammates. They are all super nice. I guess I have a load of new friends. They invited me to watch their next game on Friday. I guess they can look out for me in the stands.

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