Playoffs Present

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We made the playoffs! Nobody would believe you if you told them that. Since we became the Ducks, we've been killing it. Coach Bombay brought us all to one of the main NHL rinks. This place is huge. As we all walk in and look around in amazement, I hear a small gobsmacked voice from my left.

"Am I dreaming?" Tommy asks in disbelief.

"I don't think so, man." Jesse says.

"Seems pretty real to me." I smile and ruffle Tommy's hair.

Suddenly, we all spot the Dallas Stars players leaving the ice after practice. A couple of them start talking to Bombay. They know him?! Coach is cooler than I thought. Our small minds are gonna explode. I don't take in anything they say as I stand in shock.

Next thing I know, we're on the ice. No padding or helmets or sticks - just skating and goofing around. At first, we don't really know what to do, so we skate around aimlessly.

"Tammy!" I call over to her. "Give us a spin!" she happily does so.

"Wow." Terry stares.

"Quit drooling." I roll my eyes and push him - accidentally knocking Peter and Karp over with him.

As they start whining, I quickly skate away. I join Fulton and Charlie and continue skating.

"This is so cool!" Charlie still isn't over it.

"I know. " Fulton adds as Averman rushes over to us.

"Hey, you guys wanna race?" He asks.

The four of us position ourselves on the goal line. Goldberg counts us down. We speed over to center ice and back to the goal line. It's close between me and Charlie - but I take the win. Still reveling in the glory I skate over to Bombay.

"Thanks for doing this, Coach."

"No, problem. You looking forward to the game tonight?" He chuckles.

"Totally." My smile briefly turns into a frown. "But I don't know who I'm gonna sit with."

"You got plenty of time to figure it out. Don't worry about it."

I skate away, not knowing who to join. I look over to see some of them pushing Lewis the limo driver around on his chair - I can't help but giggle at his helplessness. Turning around, I see Adam skating alone, lost in thought - so I join him.

"Hey, Banks." I smile as I join his side. "What you thinking about?"

"I feel like some of them still don't like me too much."

"They'll come around, trust me."

"I just don't know if anyone wants to sit with me at the game."

"I'll sit with you."


"Of course."

Adam and I continue skating together for a few minutes before Coach shouts us over.

"Let's do a few laps as a team." We all agree. "When we get to this point, slide."

"Like penguins?" Guy questions.


We all begin skating around the edge of the rink. After a few laps, Bombay shouts for us to start sliding. I prepare to slide as I watch the others crash into the boards in front of me. As I join them, I crash into Fulton in a fit of laughter. He helps me up and asks:

"Can I sit with you during the game? Charlie's sitting with Coach."

"Yeah, totally." I agree. "Oh, I said I'd sit with Adam - so you can sit on the other side me."


A few hours go by and now we're in the stands as the game goes on. With Adam to my left and Fulton to my right - I'm glad they wanted to sit with me. Suddenly the Ducks on the row behind us start freaking out. I look up to see a welcome message for us on the jumbotron. With pure excitement, I frantically tap Fulton and Adam to get them to look too. Just a second later, we all cheer and clap. After a few more minutes, I notice Banks trying to hide himself out of the corner of my eye.

"You okay, Banks?" I face him.

"Yeah." He lies, making me look over to see a couple of jerks from the Hawks.

"Just ignore them, Adam. They're not worth the time of day." I comfort him before we turn our attention back to the game.

Although I told him to ignore them, I keep thinking about it occasionally throughout the game. I feel bad for him - he just want to play hockey and have some friends who aren't those bullies. Eventually, the game ends. The Stars win! Today was awesome - we'll be talking about this for a while.

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