Coach Classic

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When the kids got into EPIC, I decided to apply for a job there. My intentions were to continue helping the Ducks in a more competitive environment. I also wanted to give them the extra moral support they inevitably need here. Fortunately, Cole couldn't say no when he realised where my career started.

We've been here for a few weeks now and Cole, who I guess is technically my boss, has sent me an email about a meeting. However, I'm the only attendee - am I getting fired? Surely not. I didn't do anything wrong. Did I? I shake off the nerves and knock on the door before entering.

"You wanted to see me?" I stand by the door.

"Yeah. How are you? Have a seat." He gestures in front of his desk.

"I'm good. How're you?" I ask as I sit down.

"Good. Excited." Guess I'm not getting fired then.

"Excited about what?" My nerves start to disappear as I realise I have job security for a little longer.

"Have you heard of the Coach Classic?"

"Coach Classic?" I try to recall a memory but fail. "Can't say I have, why?" I shake my head.

"It's something we do every year - a tradition." He starts explaining as I listen with a genuine interest. "We randomly select 10 of the kids to play in a competition against a team of ex-NHL players."

"Kids vs adults? Don't you think that's kind of unfair?"

"These kids want to be the best. What better way to help than to play the best?" He reasons.

"Sure. But that seems maybe slightly illegal."

"Don't worry, we made sure that everything was perfectly legal before we started the tradition. It's good for them and it's good fun for everyone involved - even the kids who just watch." He assures me.

"Well, in that case, it sounds like a memorable match up. What does this have to do with me though?" I question.

"One of the coaches - a right winger - had to pull out last minute. Him and his wife just had a kid."

"Oh, good for them."

"Considering your extensive career and achievements with the Ducks, I'm asking if you would be willing to take his place." I'm taken back by his offer.

"I'd be honoured."

"Great. Fortunately, we have just enough time to get you a jersey made. You were 63, right?" He asks for clarification.


"None of the guys are using 63, so I can get that on the jersey unless you want to change numbers."

"63 is fine, thanks."

"One last thing. Obviously you know team chemistry is important."

"Of course."

"I want to introduce you to the guys and have a practice so we know how to use your skills to better our game. When do you next have a couple hours spare?"

"Uh, if I'm remembering the schedule properly, the kids are doing a dead man's run after lunch and they vowed to stay with Nick this time - so they'll be gone for a while." I recall the planned events.

"Perfect. Grab lunch then gear up and meet us on the ice."

"Got it." I agree before standing up to go to the door.

"Oh, and keep up the good work."

"Will do. Thanks again for letting me be part of the tradition." He just nods as I exit.

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