Icelandic Reunion

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For the last 8 years, I've been roommates with one of my oldest and best friends - the incomparable Lester Averman. By now, it seems as if our lives are perfectly in sync. We come home from work at different times. So, we always have something ready for when the other gets home - especially if we've had a rough day.

Today is one of the days that I finish a couple of hours before Averman. We've been ordering food a lot lately, so I'm using my spare time to buy supplies. That's right, I'm gonna cook for us. This may be more of a bad surprise if I'm not careful.

Despite my intentions, I find myself taking detours and getting stuff I don't need. In my defence, some things will be gifts. Once I finally have everything packed in several bags, I make my way back to my car. However, before I can get there, one of the bags breaks - prompting the contents to spill onto the ground.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." I sigh in frustration as I pick everything up and dump it in my car.

"Excuse me?" I hear a voice behind me. "You forgot this."

"Oh, thanks. Didn't even notice." I give a small appreciative smile as the man hands me some. Soup that rolled away.

"You're welcome."

"Is that an Icelandic accent?" I grow curious.

"Very good. Forgive me, but you look familiar."

"I was gonna say the same thing." Confusion is present in my tone as I try to figure out how I know him. Wait, I think I know. "This may be a weird question... Did you play for Iceland's hockey team at the 1994 Goodwill Games?"

"I did." Shock washes over his face as he makes the connection. I knew it! "You are Y/N from the Ducks?"

"Yeah! Gunnar, wow, it's been a long time."

"Indeed it has."

"No hard feelings, right?" I ask for clarification.

"Of course not! You won fair and square. Stansson, on the other hand, still holds a grudge."

"I can believe it." I scoff as I lean against the car. Typical Wolf.

"How is Captain Duck?" Gunnar remembers Charlie.

"He's good. Busy, but good." I nod. Charlie is currently working his way up the NHL, attempting to become a head coach.

"I was talking about you." What?

"Gunnar, I was never captain." I shake my head slightly as I correct him with a confused look.

"Sure you were! You stepped in for Charlie and lead the Ducks to victory. You were an excellent captain! I should know." The former captain praises me.

"Well, thank you. Really, that means a lot coming from a highly skilled captain such as yourself." I'm taken aback by this entire situation - things were so different when we met. "Hey, if you're not too busy, do you want to go grab some coffee and have a proper catch up instead of just standing behind my car?"

"That would be great. I'll pay."

Luckily, Gunnar was just walking by. So, we head to a nearby coffee shop. Since the sun is shining, we sit at one of the small outdoor tables. With coffee to hand, our conversation continues.

"So, Gunnar, what brings you all the way over here?"

"I've just bought the hockey store a few blocks away."

"Hans' old place?" He just nods with a small smile. "I knew someone bought it - I never thought it'd be you. I was worried that the store would become so different and destroyed. I don't feel so bad now."

"That's good. I'm glad I ran into you. The store needs some upgrades but I don't wish to ruin its legacy. I know it means a lot to you and a lot of people."

"Well, you're not wrong about that." I laugh and take a sip of coffee.

"I was wondering if you could help me to preserve the best parts of the store? You know it far better than me after all."

"Definitely! Yes, absolutely! Thank you for letting me be part of this. I spent many hours in that store helping Hans. Countless hours spent just on sharpening skates." I recall, feeling the nostalgia as my smile grows.

"Skate sharpening?"

"Hans always said it was a great skill. So, he showed me how to do it. I'll teach you if you want. Hell, I'll work there and do it myself." I offer excitedly. "Sorry, I got a bit carried away."

"It's okay. You have passion. Faith. I like that." Suddenly, my phone starts ringing.


"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. I have to take this. Please excuse me." I apologise before walking to a quiet area.

"Where are you? Are you babysitting for Connie and Guy or is that a different day? Sorry, I've completely lost track of what day it is." Averman rambles down the phone.

"I'm babysitting tomorrow. Sorry, its my fault. I went to buy stuff because I'm gonna make dinner."

"You mean burn the house down?"

"Shut up. You'll never guess who I ran into."

"Uh...Ralph Macchio?" What kind of guess is that?

"No! Gunnar Stahl."

"That goon from Iceland?"

"Hey, he's a good guy. Stansson was the problem. Anyway... Gunnar's the guy who just bought Hans' store."

"Really? Look, I'd love to hear all about it, but I need you to come home. I didn't take my keys because I thought you'd be home and there's a squirrel that's looking at me funny."

"That's Marcel!"

"You named the squirrel that hangs around the house?"

"Don't acted shocked - you know I name all the house spiders."

"Yeah, you scare me sometimes. But seriously, can you hurry? I need a pee."

"You're a disaster of a human. Yeah, I'll be there as fast as I can."

I wish I could say I'm surprised by that whole conversation, but that's honestly pretty normal. I hang up and hurry back to the table.

"Is everything alright?" Gunnar asks as I approach him.

"Yeah, sorry that was Averman."

"The curly-headed joker?"

"Yeah, that's him." I laugh at how that hasn't changed. "Gunnar, I'm really sorry but I have to go. The moron forgot his keys and his having a mini crisis."

"That's okay. Here's my number if you need anything." He hands me a napkin with his phone number on it as I grab my bag.

"I'm really sorry to leave like this. I'll swing by the store tomorrow."

As I drive home, I finally start to process that interaction. It was good to see Gunnar again. I guess it's true that rivalries don't last forever.

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