Superstar Duck

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This was requested by @c4reb34r - a frequent requester. I hope this is close to what you were thinking.

I've done what is hard for most to do. I have a successful music career. Sold out shows to thousands of people in each venue across the world. Anyone else would kill to be in my position. But its not all sunshine and rainbows. Yes, things are handed to us on a silver platter, but that is all the public care to think about.

If you make even one tiny mistake - if you ever slip up - your whole world will come crashing down. Your career is over. All eyes are on you 24/7. The paparazzi have no boundaries. Even at these events where photographers are stationed on groups, the yelling and all the flashing is too much. It all gets so overwhelming so quickly. I have a few friends I've made from this career who help me through it - but in this industry, nobody is who they say they are. People want to be your friend to use you and get freebies or their own fame.

Sometimes I wish I could just fade into obscurity so I can have even a shred of privacy. I wish I could go back to my teenage years. At this point, it's hard to keep track of time. I try to keep in touch with my old friends, but there's always some interview or show or something that I have to and by the end of the day, I'm exhausted. Plus they have their own lives too. Thankfully, they always text back when they can. I find myself crying about how little I see them.

Some people know about my past - I've mentioned it a few times. I was part of the original Mighty Ducks lineup. To this day, they remain my best friends. They knew me before I had money or fame. The Ducks may be the only people who actually like me for me and not my money.

Whenever a tour passes through Minneapolis, I always try to work with the people who figure out the dates so that I can spend an extra day or two there. It's always worked so far. On those days off, I spend time with whichever Ducks I can. Some of them have come to gigs before - even ones who are no longer in Minnesota.

Tonight is the Minneapolis show. I will never get used to the sea of people in front of me. It's nearing the end of show. It's at this point that I always thank people for coming - but at a home show, they get a different speech.

"I just wanna thank you guys again for coming tonight. Have you guys had fun?" I ask as I pace around the stage.

"Yeah! Woo!" The crowd erupts.

"Me too! Give it up for my amazing band! Joe and Scarlett on guitar! Ash on bass! Darcy on the keys! Matty on drums! And of course, the rest of the team who puts all of this together!" The crowd is deafening as I shout out my crew.

"I love you, Y/N!" Someone screams.

"Love you too." They freak out. "Now, I have a question. Who here likes hockey?"

"Woo!" General concensus agrees.

"Anyone a fan of the Anaheim Ducks?" Most of them cheer. "I'm surprised considering this isn't Anaheim." I laugh. "For those who don't know, they used to be called the Mighty Ducks - and they were actually formed here in Minneapolis back in 1992. Why do I know so much about the team's creation? Because I was a founding member!"

"Slay!" I just laugh.

"I was a right winger. I started off being linemates with my friends Jesse Hall and Guy Germaine. That was back when we didn't really have assigned positions. By high school, we had swapped out players and changed which lines we were on. Our new coach hated us at first. I was a winger with my best friend, Fulton Reed. However, our sides were swapped. We weren't happy. When we were at our lowest, we were reunited with the other Bash Brother, Dean Portman and all was right with the world."

"Yeah, Bash Brothers!"

"Believe it or not, I'm actually a big fan of rock music and pop punk and all that stuff. The Bash Brothers definitely contributed to that obsession. We had a lot of noise complaints." I chuckle.

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