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Oh, Averman. One of my best friends since I was barely able to walk. The jokester. A boy who uses his humour to deflect and hide the pain that's gnawing at him - consuming him from the inside. Lester is a broken kid, he just doesn't let anyone see it.

Barely anyone knows it, but Averman's parents died when he was 3. I don't really remember them but my mother has a lot of stories since they were friends for years before we were born. After the accident, Les moved in with his grandma. She's been raising him ever since. She's always been the kindest soul; anticipating my visits and treating me like her own.

For the last few days, Averman hasn't been at practice. We've called him but he's always said he's been busy. He's had some stuff going on, so nobody questioned it. As time elapsed, I just knew something was wrong - I know him better than anyone, so I had to act on instinct.

Towards the end of today's practice, I asked Bombay if he knew anything. Everyone stopped and stared when he confirmed he had information. He was reluctant at first, but he eventually told us the truth. Averman's grandma passed away. He has no blood relatives left. He's alone. Why wouldn't he tell me? Why wouldn't he tell us? The Ducks are his family.

The news was a gut punch to me - everyone knows it. I can only imagine how Les feels. So, Bombay let us leave early. Our entire team has just gone to buy snacks and anything else that would work for an Averman care package. Together, we all approach his house - determined to help however we can. I lead the team, knocking on the door as the others stand behind me. He's sluggish to answer but I don't blame him.

"Oh, h-hey, guys."

"Hey." Everyone greets him glumly.

"What... What are you doing here?" Before anyone can answer, I throw myself at him - pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Les, I'm so sorry." He doesn't hug me back because he's frozen in place.

"Bombay told you?"

"Only because I made him."

"Can we come in?" Connie asks.

Averman moves to the side to let us in. After everyone files through the door, we take seats wherever they're available - making sure to leave a space for Averman. Everyone else either sits on the floor or stands against a wall. Ken and Guy get some drinks for everyone before the proper conversation begins.

Careful not to turn it into an interrogation, we ask about what actually happened and when. She passed in her sleep 5 days ago, leaving Lester to live here alone since then. Naturally, he's the one who found her - a devastating sight that he won't soon forget. The only person who knew about it was Bombay. At least he has some peace and closure knowing that she wasn't in pain.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Charlie asks him.

"Yeah, how come?" Dwayne doubles down.

"I don't know." Averman sighs as he looks down. "I guess because I'm like the class clown of the team, you know? I'm the funny one - it's my job not to let the mood drop. My job is to be the team clown." He explains as we listen with sympathy.

"Yeah, but you ain't just our clown - you're our friend, man." Portman speaks up much to everyone's surprise.

"This is weird. You've never been this nice to me." Les looks at the Bash Brothers behind him - slightly spooked by Dean's behavioural shift.

"You want me to be mean again?" Portman asks calmly and genuinely.

"No. Well, a little... Just don't go too far."

"You got it, four eyes." He's surprisingly sensitive. Who would've thought that Dean Portman would be the first person to make Averman smile?

The entire team are thankful enough to have met that lovely lady. So, we all sit and share some stories. She really loved Dwayne. She loved all of us, but whenever we visited, she'd always ask if the gentleman cowboy was there. Dwayne would always bring her flowers since he didn't visit as much as he'd like to.

You should've seen the look on Lester's face when he saw her in the crowd at the Goodwill Games. He had no idea she'd be there - but my parents made sure they flew her out with them to see the finals.

Believe it or not, she loved hearing the gossip about the team. From the start, she always rooted for Connie and Guy. She became like our female Hans in a way. She was loved by so many people and I guarantee that nobody had a bad word to say about her. Once again, we all express our condolences - saying sorry for his loss countless times. But after about an hour, he protests politely.

"Guys, look, I appreciate your thoughts and knowing that you're here for me. Thank you, really. But I don't want sympathy. It doesn't take long for it to feel pointless. It kinda starts making it feel worse, you know?" He explains, not wanting to offend us.

"Yeah." Scattered agreement fills the room.

"Yeah, I was the same when I lost my grandma." Adam states.

"I just want to go back to normal."

"We could go play some pond hockey." Fulton suggests.

"I don't really wanna get back on the ice just yet. Good idea though."

"Well, you don't have to be on the ice for things to be the same." Ken reminds him.

"Yeah, that's why we sorted out this care package for you." I add.

"Really? What's in it?"

We brought multiple bags, so everyone near the pile takes one and unloads the contents. Plenty of snacks and Averman's favourite movies pile onto the table. Goldberg has a separate bag that he leaves until the end.

"I brought some goodies from the diner. Extra brownies." Those are his favourite.

"Thanks, Goldie." He smiles in appreciation.

"Now that you've got enough food and films for a movie marathon, we're gonna stay here with you and watch them all with you - a sleepover." I explain the plan. "If you want us to stay that is."

"I'd love that."

The whole team crushes him in the biggest group hug you've ever seen before starting the Karate Kid. We said we'd stay the whole night and that's exactly what we're going to do. Averman and I lean against each other as it plays - knowing he's safe, heard and loved.

Bombay is gonna help with dealing with the house. Since he's just a kid and can't keep living alone, he's moving in with me - my parents had no hesitation when I told them. At least Les doesn't have to go through this alone now. We will always be his family. And now he knows that he doesn't always need to wear a joker mask around us.

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