Chapter 4: Worst Fears

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'Man, what a weird chain of events coming around,' Spider-man thought to himself while swinging around for another nightly patrol after school. 'You got an ex that is still close to you, a cute fan, a pretty counselor for a best friend, and a cool new pal. What can possibly go wrong, am I right?'

It was sorta calm and peaceful for a night where crime usually thrive. After unexpectedly gaining two new crimefighting partners, they swept through the streets for any unsuspecting no-gooder crawling around even in the crevices of the city, making the jobs of Manhattan Police much easier in one way or the other— although not all are in agreement with this new treatment.

However on one peaceful night, as he was playfully swinging the breezy night sky over the bustling streets of Manhattan, he was suddenly startled by an afterimage of the Green Goblin that he lost his cool on his line and barely latched onto the building's ledge before checking out the site, panting in a panic as anybody would in a haunting.

'...Huh, maybe things might get worse than I thought...?' Spider-man hesitated, looking around vigilantly before swinging away again, not noticing a slim stranger in purplish armor standing on some kind of green thin hoverboard, wearing a dark colored pointy helmet with a creepy sturdy mask attached.

"I will exact my vengeance, Spider-man, I swear it," says the stranger through a built-in voice-disguiser in his helmet before gliding away atop his hoverboard.

The next morning comes around quick, and at the entrance of Midtown High, as Bobby, Kitty, and Peter got off the bus—after Gwen leaves first to Peter's request—they bump into Harry, who just came up to do a 'raincheck' on Peter with a menacing and intimidating looking face.

"What's up Pete? How are you doing with your new friends?" Harry jeered in a mixture of envy and anger.

"Harry, what are you talking about? They're just my friends, just like you are," Peter answered back plainly, though harboring the draggy guilt since the last Goblin Incident.

"Yeah bro, chill," Bobby adds as he gets in between them to defend Peter, confused with Harry's aggressive tone.

"Don't tell me to chill...!" Harry hissed, glaring daggers at the ice mutant.

"Harry, can't we talk this out later?" Peter calmly asked.

"There's nothing more to talk about, unless you're ready to tell me about Spider-man," Harry hissed before walking away with Gwen next to him, which stung Peter's heart from glancing at the sad face she displayed.

"Gee, harsh much bro? What's up with the two of you?" Bobby wondered, scratching his head in confusion.

"Could you, tell us somehow?" Kitty asked out of concern with a hand on his arm.

"Maybe later, but right now, we got classes to finish," Peter replied.

"Um...sure?" Bobby and Kitty responded as they looked at each other in confusion.

Outside the infamous Ryker's Prison, a familiar black limo parks right at its front, with Hammerhead waiting inside on several acquainted thugs that were sternly yet reluctantly escorted by the prison's wardens and guards before letting them into their benefactor's limousine.

"Thanks for bailin' us out again, Hammy, after a long time, and the sweet ride," Montana, aka Shocker, thanked along with his partners Fancy Dan, aka Ricochet, and Ox. "So, what does the Big Man want with us soo bad this time?"

"The Big Man is no more pal," Hammerhead replied. "There is a new boss taking ya in for another job, and it's still about takin' out the Spider-man."

"Wow, another one of those same old bug-squashin' quests eh? Huh, well what's new," Shocker snorted with crossed arms.

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