Season 4 Finale Chapter 13: Great Responsibility

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"Spider-Man, calm down...!"

"Oh, I'm perfectly CALM alright!"

Many hours earlier after the huge scandalous uncovering found underground at the FEAST Building, when Liz went to lay low at the Allans' instead of the girls' dorm at ESU, heartbreaking news circulated from the Allans' family with a report to have witnessed their daughter, Elizabeth "Liz" Allan, being abducted by a masked stranger who took off to the skies last evening. And the moment Peter caught wind of the news through a personal phone call from Mr. Wilson Allan— his girlfriend's father— immediately called in absent from his classes and rushed over to the lobby with the rest of his friends that followed suit.

Police officers were found exploring around the scene and especially some of those heading to the top floor. In the lobby area were some college deskmates and former high school classmates that had already arrived — including the spiteful and snobbish blondie Sally.

But... there was someone else close to the Allans' who seemed a bit familiar and at the same time unfamiliar. Next to Mark was a young Latino like them who's probably around Peter's age, but appears to be both economically and vainly his polar opposite on many levels, catching the attention of some of their other friends like Glory and Sally, who visited them. However, he seemed totally familiar to both Bobby and Kitty.

"No way, Roberto?!" Bobby exclaimed in astonishment. "Is that you, bro?!"

"Hm? Bobby! Kitty! Eyyy! Great seeing you guys again after that big robot mess a long time ago!" Roberto greets with gladness as he high-fives Bobby and embraces Kitty.

"Uhmmm, hi? I am—"

"Pedro!" Mr. Allan called upon noticing Peter with an apologetic look on his face.

Although it would seem that Mr. Wilson Allan' relieved, he feels his guilt deepen and spike after his daughter's boyfriend has met Roberto. And when Mrs. Allan and Mark saw him, the tension rose to hotter levels for some other reason.

"You...!" Mark growled as he walked up to Peter with teeth gritting in rage, only to be blocked by Kitty.

"Uh uh, don't think about it. We're all worried as much as you are, but try not to do anything irrational," Kitty warns.

"Oh yeah? Gee, I was wondering how well things were myself," Mark scoffed in a demeaning tone. "Haven't you guys done enough to get entangled with us?"

"Um, what do you mean by "us"?" Hobie wondered what he meant by that, sensing his hostility.

"Don't play dumb. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Parker...!" Mark hissed, catching Peter by his collar.

"Peter!" Gwen angrily tries to intervene until Hobie and Bobby block her and Kitty, telling them to let Peter personally deal with him.

"I see that your old habits haven't changed. It's not enough to just have my sister's attention. You've become a sort of ladies' man behind her back, huh?" Mark replied out of spite and anger before bitterly releasing his grip.

"...Mark, do you really want to bring that up?" Peter growled, though trying his hardest to keep his hand and spider-powered rage from punching his lights out.

"Well, you don't seem to deny it...!" Mark scoffed with sarcasm, trying to rile Peter's anger. "Like I said again—stay away from her, and stay away from our family...!"

"Markito!" Mrs. Allan scolded, trying to get in between them with Roberto shaking his head at Mark's callous and reckless remarks that added salt to the wound in Peter's pride.

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