Season 4 Chapter 3: New Days Coming

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A new day for a new chapter in Peter's life begins. He graduates high school, gets a scholarship set for him in ESU, and even then, he is not alone, no more. 

"Peter dear! Are you awake?! Your friends are outside waiting! College can't wait for you!?" May urgently called from downstairs.

"Coming Aunt May! I promise!" Peter panicked after waking up early at 4 o'clock in the morning to cram most of his things, his clothes, and then lastly his trusty tools and Spider-man suit before wearing his favorite blue shirt and his favorite sneakers. "I think I'm missing something, oh yeah!"

He then wears his satchel over his shoulders and puts his web shooters inside before fixing his bed neatly. As he was about to leave his room with his luggage in hand, he spotted a group picture of him with Uncle Ben and Aunt May together on his sides, standing on the small table beside his lamp.

"Almost forgot this one," Peter quickly gets the picture and its frame and then gently jams it into his luggage before taking one last glimpse at his room and closes the door as he leaves.

As he goes down the stairs with all his belongings, meets his Aunt May sitting on the living room couch with a brown jacket laid on the coffee table, clearly waiting on Peter for one last time as her kid nephew before sending him off as a young man.

"Peter?" May called.

"Yes Aunt May?" Peter responded, leaving his luggage by the door before sitting beside her on the couch.

"Peter, today...another chapter in your life ends, and another starts—this college," May replied, wiping her tears away with a smile. "If only Ben could see the kind of man you are now, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to be like a father to you."

"Aunt May..." Peter trailed off, holding his tears in before embracing Aunt May. "You guys have been the best people I'll ever have. I...hate to say goodbye, really. So...I promise to visit and drop by whenever I can, not just on semester breaks. I'll also keep sending money to help ease the rent bills! I love you, Aunt May."

"Love you too, Peter. Oh! Before I forget," May gets the folded brown jacket on the coffee table and hands it to Peter. "This jacket... it belonged to your Uncle Ben... and he would want you to use it when you can fit in it. I believe now seems to be the time..."

"Aunt May, I can't take this," Peter tried to gently refuse.

"Yes you can. It was just sitting around in the house collecting dust. I can't use it, but you can," May replied, holding in her tears.

Without saying another word, Peter embraces his Aunt May one last time before taking and wearing the brown jacket that his Uncle Ben wore, astonishing his aunt from their almost impeccable resemblance, despite having an uncle-and-nephew relationship.

'Just like Ben alright,' May thought to herself before huffing to lead Peter to the door. "Well now, young man, time for you to get going! Sorry to drag you long enough when your friends are already waiting outside!"

"Psh, it's nothing, they can wait as long as they want!" Peter joked, kissing his Aunt May on the cheek goodbye before getting his luggage and leaving the house through the front door. "Take care, Aunt May!"

After closing the door, he spots a shiny red car parked near his house, with Liz as the driver while Kitty, Bobby, and a third person beside him sat as passengers. Surprisingly, Hobie also came along on his motorcycle while waiting for Peter.

"Whoa! Now this is one awesome ride, Liz! Where'd you—!?"

"Dad gifted it to me after I learned how to drive! I forgot to tell you, but I just recently finished my driving course over the summer, so now I'm a licensed driver!" Liz bragged.

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