Chapter 8: A Dramatic Disaster

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"Evil Secret Hideout Uncovered: Spider-man, two other heroes, and the dark vigilante last night, broke into a hidden base and laboratory located in the abandoned car shop...."

After for the longest time of dealing with many baddies that creep around the Webhead's beloved city, he and his ragtag posse of teammates made the big news around New York, having uncovered and destroyed one of his foes' hidden lairs and facilities that created few of his favorite super-powered punchable thugs—of course the credits go to their newest ally.

"Wow, you guys really have outdone yourselves last night," Liz quietly complimented, reading the newspaper headlines in the middle of their lunch break, showing a picture taken by her boyfriend in the headlines that depicts Spider-man, Iceman, Shadowcat, and their dark-clothed ally Prowler shaking hands with the police officers at the crime scene. "Must've taken the whole night for you guys to have struck gold like this!"

"Well, we obviously got some help," Peter adds, looking over to glance at Hobie from the other table, who also glanced back with a playful smirk and salute.

"But wait, the investigations here say that there were pieces of advanced tech in that hidden base. And the tech they found traces back to... Oscorp...!" Liz looks over to Peter with worry and concern.

"Wait, say what...!?" Peter responded hysterically, letting Liz pass the newspaper to him and skims around the page. '!?'

"...Petey...." Liz whimpered from Peter's worried reaction.

'T-this doesn't make sense, how could those guys get their grubby hands on Oscorp tech that easily, unless....!?' Peter thought to himself. 'Is this what Norman's been doing behind everyone's back? But why? To what end?!'

"Hey Tiger, whatcha reading?"

Out of nowhere, the redhead theater girl Mary Jane Watson, appears behind Peter and accidentally startles him out of his train of thought.

"MJ! I-it's nothing actually! So uh, what's up? How are you doing this fine day?" Peter stuttered in a cheesy tone, sounding funny to Liz and Kitty, but disappointed by Bobby, thinking he needs to work on his speech.

"Well, nothing much, just wanna tell you that I am currently taken under the mentorship of Mr. St. John Devereaux," Mary Jane replied.

"Whoa what!? That—that's great!" Peter congratulated.

"Uh huh, I've been taking some classes and lessons with other kids from different schools under his tutelage after school," Mary Jane briefly explained. "And on this coming weekend night at 8:30 pm, I'm actually taking part in one of Mr. Devereaux's new upcoming plays at the theater near the Allans' hotel. If you'd like—"

"Sure!" Peter immediately answered, awkwardly cutting off MJ's words. "I-I mean, yeah, I will come, what about you guys? Wanna come?"

"Sounds like fun, Petey," Liz accepts.

"I wanna see you act!" Kitty eagerly accepts.

"Count me in!" Bobby gladly accepts.

"Awesome, 'cause luckily I got lots of tickets for my best buds," Mary Jane smirked, taking out ticket slips from her denim jacket. "Your aunt is sure to drop by with mine, and they both got tickets so don't worry."

"Wow, that's a lot," Peter replied, dumbfounded from her offer.

"Eight other people got invited. You guys have one more extra ticket, vacant for one seat," Mary Jane smirked at the nervous nerdy friend as she hands him the tickets before looking at Gwen, who was lonely because of Harry's absence in classes, implicitly telling him to invite her with them.

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