Season 4 Chapter 5: Filial Piety

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'How is the gig going, Petey? I saw the news and you were awesome out there! Makes me wish that my suit wasn't stinky so I could have a piece of the action back there.'

A few days have passed since that incident with the Dinosaur-Man situation—and with the collaborations of certain organizations and the Connors' willingness to find a cure to prevent such disasters, the tension dies down and everything slowly goes back to normal as they are. At least for now—as Peter hoped...

'It's alright anyway Liz, it was kinda out of the blue and you said that you had classes around that hour, so it's good that you kept a low profile. Unlike me, who's used to this type of thing,' Peter assured over the phone as he looked outside through their dorm room's window while his roommates slept.

'Oh please, don't start me with business class: it is a place of boredom, especially with how easy it looked. I even found Janice beside me taking short naps in the middle of lectures! Although MJ seemed to enjoy it a lot with how enthusiastic she is in the lectures,' Liz lengthily replied, lying on her bunk bed under Sha Shan's bed.

'I are um...things between you and Sally...? Heard that she's with you guys—I mean girls! Quite more often than not...' Peter nervously probed out of concern.

'I admit, not really stable, but all she usually does is either give me the silent treatment or find a way to just not to interact. It stings, but thankfully, Sha Shan and Janice are around,' Liz briefly explained.

'I-I see, hope you're doing well though, see you later?' Peter replied.

'Mmm, maybe later at night, 'cause I wanna catch some more beauty sleep. Love ya Petey, bye,' Liz replied back happily before ending the call just at the moment Peter was about to say something.

However, although everyone seemed to be sleeping, one was not pleasing after eavesdropping on her conversation in one of the bunk beds. 

'Suit? What suit? And action? Just what have you been hiding from me, Lizzy? Am I really not your closest friend anymore that you'd keep secrets from me...all this time...?!' Sally angrily thought to herself while lying across her bunk bed underneath Janice's bed, overhearing Liz's conversation with Peter over the phone.

Later in the morning on a weekend, Peter quietly leaves the dorm with some tools and materials in a bag before making his way to the workshop with a plan that he's always wanted to do after long contemplation, but just as he was strolling down the corridor...

"Whoa!" Peter screamed upon noticing a startled Kitty, walking in the middle of the corridor, but thankfully phased through her as she used her powers instead of colliding with him. "Oh man, Kitty! Sorry about that, I was kinda in a rush back there!"

"Oh no it's cool, I was absent-minded for a moment!" Kitty nervously assured, surprised also from bumping and meeting with Peter by accident like that.

"So um, where are you going?" Peter wondered.

"Me? I plan to visit the library to kill some time. What about you?" Kitty wondered, keeping her usual ponytail and wearing a white t-shirt underneath her red flannel; some dark-blue jeans, and a pair of pink sneakers while carrying a small pink backpack.

"Me? Just heading to the workshop Hobie told me about. Wanna come with me? If you're not busy that is," Peter friendly suggested.

"Cool! But—don't you need some kind of approval to use it?" Kitty wondered.

"Yeah, so wanna join me and help me get it?" Peter suggested.

"Sure! Alright!" Kitty accepts and follows Peter for an approval from the faculty to use the workshop.

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