Season 4 Chapter 6: Femme Fatale Pt. 1

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"Whooooooooo!" Spider-man yelled with excitement and relief while swinging around Manhattan's dimly lit streets, donning the Spider Armor for another spin.

"Whoa! Spidey! Slow down!" Screwball urged, skating and parkouring over the building rooftops.

"Geez, what's with the good mood all of a sudden?" Mania wondered while swinging along with Spider-man.

"I'm happy because...!" Spider-man trailed off before safely landing on a ledge with Screwball and Mania meeting beside him. "I got a huge headache cured once and for all!"

Who wouldn't be happy after taking down one of their worst enemies ever known? After Spidey heard that Tombstone's getting his well-deserved life sentence in Ryker's Island with his own personally customized prison, and Janice's management in reforming the company's operations around Manhattan, things are going to get better for a long time. However, what still bothers him is that he's unable to bring Norman to justice, who slithered like the snake he is from the scuffle in the location...

"Although, there still lurks another headache that I gotta deal with..." Spider-man glares at the sky before feeling taps on both of his shoulders.

"...C'mon Spidey, you gotta chill. It's alright, he won't get far," Screwball assured.

"At the very least, if we catch him, we can fix things with Harry somehow, hopefully..." Mania assured.

"...Thanks for the tip, and uh, thanks for joining on these patrols with me. Although, I already told you that I could handle things myself," Spider-man whined before getting hushed by Screwball.

"Sh, it's fine, we just wanna hang around for a while in tights and suits," Screwball playfully replied, catching Spider-man off guard.

"H-hey! Break it off you two!" Mania urged in a jealous tone, getting in between Screwball and Spider-man.

"Aw, killjoy. Fine, fine! 'bout a little game," Screwball playfully suggests, pulling Spider-man close to her, further infuriating the symbiote-clad girlfriend. "The rule is simple: whoever gets to catch the most baddies tonight, gets to go on a "superhero date" with Spidey! How's that sound, Spider-gal?"

"Ah—wait, are you serious?" Mania raises an eyebrow, demanding for an answer.

"Oh I'm dead serious, Spidey!" Screwball teased.

"...Um...okay, deal, I'm going with whatever you got. Just don't cry when I do better than you!" Mania bets.

"Oh yeah?" Screwball raised an eyebrow.

"Hey hey wait, what about me?! What if I do catch more criminals than you two?" Spider-man demands for an answer.

"Hmmm, never thought about that," Screwball playfully shrugged. "Your call!"

"Okay, if I do win, let's call the game off as a draw, how about that?!" Spider-man nervously suggests.

"Mmmm, fine, I'm good with that," Mania replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Alrighty, that settles it then! We come back here to this building in an hour. Readysetgo! Hahaha!" Screwball quickly relayed before swinging away immediately with her grappling hook.

"Hey! No fair!" Both Spider-man and Mania exclaimed, making them exchange awkward looks before swinging away in different directions.

While the night's still kinda young for the three heroes, they swing, crawl, or even run around the city; eager to look for criminals to crash or baddies to beat as part of their game.

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