Season 4 Chapter 11: Recognition

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"Whoa, whoa! Phew!" Spider-man sighed out of relief, nearly losing his footing on the building's ledge, wearing a new and improved Spider-armor Mk 1.5, sporting a new dark-bluish color scheme that's supposedly lighter than its shiny silver predecessor. "Lost my poise back there."

"Waahoohoo!" Liz exclaimed, hovering and zooming around the air in making fiery hoops and leaving a trail of fire in her blazing form before gracefully planting her feet on the ledge and lets her fire dissipate, wearing her full body fireproof suit with a crest resembling a candle flame that forms an upside-down heart shape on her chest. "Whew that was a great morning rush, wasn't it, Spidey!?"

"Not exactly. I'm still getting used to this new suit. What do you think?" 

"Well, the style seems kinda fancy for my taste, no offense. I like you better in red, my favorite color!" 

"Um, thanks? I'm curious though, why won't you like, I dunno, wear a mask?" 

"Why bother? I mean, all of Manhattan saw my face a long time ago. Waste of money and materials if you asked me," Liz prudently answers before rekindling the fire again all over her body and her hair kindling into a scarf of flame, walking up to Spider-man cutely. "Plus, I feel a whole lot free without a mask. Don't you think so?"

"Uhm, yeah! Ahem—yeah! And waaay hotter, pun intended," Spider-man playfully replied and cleared his throat after cracking before getting a tad flustered from her approaching him so closely.

"Oh wait— I'm sorry! W-Were you feeling steamed if I was up close?" 

"What? No! Trust me, this new suit can withstand hotter temperatures to some extent, hot enough that should usually bake me into a crispy canned arachnid, that is," Spider-man assured before opening his arms wide. "...Wanna test my theory if it's right...?"

Liz could barely keep a blank stare as she tries to suppress her excitement to avoid increasing her temperature and then goes to embrace her webbed armored boyfriend, who is totally unfazed by her extreme warmth as he returns the embrace, looking into her golden glowing candlelight eyes behind the insulated armored mask.

"See? What'd I tell ya? I also happened to put some insulation in the suit's lining. So technically, you heating me up kinda warms my day better in this human-sized cooler—" 

Before Spider-man could say more, he gets taken aback by a sudden peck on his lower cheek, leaving a scorched kiss mark on his mask. 

'Holy macaroni!'

"I dunno if you actually made this suit just so you could be with me... or for some other practical reason," Liz hummed with a satisfied smile as she laid her fiery head on his chest. "And I wonder how Gwen would react with this mark on you?"

'Oh dang right...! Sure hope this mark isn't that deep— and permanent!' Spider man internally screamed before clearing his throat and changing the subject. "Ahem! Anyway uh Liz, mind if I ask how things were with your family? Having a superhero for a daughter, I mean?"

"Well, rough start for sure, but my mother was not very surprised and was awfully quiet when the news came. I think she remembers..." 

"Yikes, do you think she will accept a superhero boyfriend for her superhero daughter?" 

"Can't really say for sure. I'm worried that she might tell my dad about you. I mean, he accepts Petey, but you now... ermmm, not quite sure..." 

"He knew what happened to Mark, didn't he." 

"Even Mark was anxious of all people, especially after what he's been through. He is still kinda tense whenever he hears about you on the news or just hearing you, your "hero" you," Liz turns and hides her anxious and sad kindling face.

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