Chapter 28

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Allen was very carefully making sure her face did not reveal any of her underlying thoughts and arguments, as she stared at the unkept, dark-haired man wearing...unique glasses. Who was most certainly another Noah. Who oddly looks familiar—

'Noooo, oh my god he's so handsome!!! Stay away from my niece!!'

'You can tell with those horrendous glasses on that man's face?' 

'Of course, I can! That jawline, those lips...he looks exactly like me!! Who's handsome as fuck!!'

'Neah...the sheer disgust I feel toward you right now is immense.'

'Shut up! Anyways that's why Allen must not go near him; he might not look exactly like me but it's enough!!'

—Instead, Allen focused her attention on to the sniveling and half-naked Krory just in front of the man, who stared at Allen with teary eyes.

After checking in with Komui and the Black Order, it was just supposed to be a simple train ride to meet up with Lenalee and the others before proceeding the next location toward Cross's trail. At Komui's insistence and reasoning, Krory would travel along with Allen and Lavi rather be sent back to Black Order.

(Krory became extremely depressed after facing the villagers' blatant hatred and fear of him, which did not abate in the slightest despite Allen's and Lavi's attempts at explaining. Allen hoped that a journey outside the life he's ever lived would help bring Krory's spirits up.)

Of course, when Krory left to explore the train, he ends not coming back for almost an hour. Worried and thinking he got lost (it was possible with Krory), Lavi and Allen left their seats to look for the sheltered man, only to be face-to-faced with the current scene.

'Oh yeah,' Neah's decided to add nonchalantly, 'Before I forget, this Noah is Joyd, the Noah of Pleasure. He can "Choose" what he can touch; if he so wishes he can phase through anything or reject anything from existence. He also has some golems made by the Earl it seems; they propagate through consuming human flesh.'

Allen narrowed her eyes, a suspicion making its way to the top of her mind. 'Is he the one who killed General Yeager?'

'It is likely he is one of the accomplices, and regardless of if he is not, as a Noah he has an instinctive hatred of Innocence.'

'Unlike me, because I'm build different; I was born superior.' 

'Please stop dramatizing things; your hatred just is not as strong because of Allen. You are not special.'

'All I am hearing is that I was built superior.'

To distract herself Allen put all her attention onto Krory, silently asking the man to explain what kind of situation he got into. Krory, who gulped in nervousness and shame, hesitantly started speaking.

"T-these men here, invited me to play a game called P-Poker, and t-then..." Allen sighed already understanding the situation and refraining to rub a palm against her face in exasperation.

"You shouldn't be so trusting of strangers, Krory. I hope this teaches you to be more careful in the future." Krory quickly nodded. Then one of the men Krory was playing with (whom Allen had ignored up until now) spoke up. He was a blonde-haired man with a scar on his forehead.

"Geez, you chickening out because of some brats? C'mon, if you're really a man, you gotta play 'til the end!" The man provoked. Krory flinched and was about to reply when Allen decided to barge in. She thrust out her cloak towards the group of men who took advantage of Krory, smiling (Lavi and Krory shuddered).

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