Chapter 25

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A/N: I'm alive!!!! ...for now. 

Anyways, another three chapter update for this story but that's not all; I plan to update all my stories soon after I post these three chapters. This is a short note, so you guys can enjoy the new chapters.


Allen didn't even have to try to glance behind her; she already knew who was behind her.

"Eliade...correct?" Allen's voice was quiet, but Eliade could hear her clearly. "May I ask why an Akuma like you would live with an accommodator like Krory?" She was not being sarcastic; Allen was genuinely curious about this

Eliade's grip on Allen's head tightened in response. "That's none of your business, brat. In fact, if it weren't for you two exorcists, nothing would have changed. I..."

When Allen got the power to turn her head (she would still like to keep her enemy in sight even if she knew who it was), she was surprised by the pleading and desperate look on the Akuma's, no Eliade's, face.

"I won't let you take him away from me!!" Just as quickly though, that face disappeared, and Eliade turned menacing, Akuma features leaking out. "That's why I'll kill you and present your head to the Millennium Earl!"

With a single move, Eliade grabbed Allen's head and smashed it and the rest of her body harder into the bookshelf (poor thing, what did it ever do to you?). Allen was barely able to hold onto consciousness as her body failed to support her when Eliade let go, failing to the ground back first.

From her blindside, Eliade's voice could be heard. "As long as I present the Millennium Earl your life, Aleister's life will be spared."

Allen could feel something cool and pressed against her neck; looking down, it was the blade of an axe ready to cut off her neck. Allen couldn't move, her body put under too much damage and stress.

'I-I have to dodge or block with Clown...I can't die like—!!'

Suddenly a searing pain came from Allen's left eye—her cursed eye. Her right eye shot open, biting her lip to stop herself from screaming in pain (if she still had energy to do so).

('It hurt hurts hurt hurts hUrTS HUrtS why does it huRt sO mUCh—!!')

Somehow, Eliade didn't notice, too focused on her own thoughts as she mindlessly lifted the axe, and swung down to separate Allen's head from her body—

Allen's arm came to block the axe just before it made contact with Allen's skin again; the hand gripped the blade so hard that it shattered. Shocked, Eliade was forced to jump away when a giant, clawed hand loomed over her, ready to drill holes into her. The next moment, Eliade was wounded and her clothes somewhat torn apart, while Allen's Innocence arm held her body up in the air.

"What the how is that brat still moving—wait she's unconscious!!" Allen did indeed fall unconscious due to the pain coming from her eye being so overwhelming. "That brat's Innocence is moving on its own...!!"

And then Eliade witnessed something horrifying.

The star over Allen's left eye dyed completely black save for a symbol resembling a 'D' forming in the middle. It grew and grew and moved until it covered the eye that was originally below it, obscuring it from view. And from that black star emerged the most disturbing skull Eliade had even seen (and she was an Akuma—), gazing and smiling twistedly toward her (it was staring right into her soul), sending a chill down her spine. That moment seemed to last an eternity, before the skull retreated back toward Allen's head, seemingly making its home where Allen's skull would be.

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