Chapter 21

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Allen looked at the building where Lenalee, Komui, and Bookman were at, eyes narrowed.

'Should I help them?'

'They should be fine. Although the girl is unconscious, the old man has an Innocence of his own. I, however, cannot say the same about the ones in white.'

'Stop worrying about those around you; worry about yourself more. Look, there's an Akuma heading right towards you. Go kill it.'

Allen looked through the crowds of people and even without her eye, she could tell who was human and who was not. It was a child this time, carried by his mother.

'...I'm going to regret this, won't I?'

'As those stuffy people from the Vatican preach, "for the sake of humanity, the ends justify the means" or whatever. I personally won't care either way.'

'But avoiding this will do you no good with the other exorcists in the future.'

'Another option is to leave it to that Lavi guy who's heading here right now.'

'...I think I'll take care of it myself.'

Just as the mother and baby passed, the baby was on the verge of transforming when Allen attacked. Screams and accusations rang out but Allen ignored them all, dashing away and leading the nearby Akuma to a more secluded area. Lavi was about to catch up when all this happened.

"W-wait up!! Let me help!!" Lavi callled out.

"Then protect the people!" Allen yelled back.

He stopped and looked at the panicking humans everywhere around him.

'...This is gonna take a while.'


By the time Lavi finished with everything and killed the lingering Akuma, disguised as police officiers wanting to take him into custody, he was able to figure out that Allen led the Akuma to the forest. Allen had just gunned down an Akuma, who had transformed into a woman that ran to her for help. Lavi whistled at the scene.

"You were able to take care of all those Akuma by yourself? I guess losing your special eye didn't give you too much of an disadvantage."

Allen sighed, "I learned from experience how to tell between Akuma and human. Just in case a situation like this happened, where I couldn't use my eye."

'And, of course, you two are here to help, too.'

'Of course I'm a big help, it's me after all.'

'Regardless of Neah's insufferable ego, we are happy to help.'

"Anyways," Allen looked at her twitching arm, feeling Crown Clown's discomfort and pain. "I pushed myself too far; I haven't healed completely, yet." She looked towards the building Lenalee and the others were at. "We should head back. If my hunch is correct, Akuma appeared in front of them, too."

Lavi waved her off. "They should be fine. After all, Jii-jii's an exorcist, too."

"I know. I mean, you two are wearing the exorcist uniform for a reason, right?" Allen asked, as if it was obvious. Lavi laughed sheepishly. Then he held out the handle of his hammer to Allen.

"Can you hold onto this? Like really tightly." Lavi had a sh*t-eating grin.

Allen was suspicious, but did as told. She grabbed onto the handle with her left hand and made sure she had a firm grip—

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