Chapter 30

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'A big horde of Akuma incoming, niece!!'

'They've come for the traitor, Allen.'

Allen's eye activated, but she did not even need it. Even before it activated, Neah and Clown had already told her.

About the thousands of Akuma heading for exorcist who turned their back on their Innocence located kilometers behind her, as confirmed by Crown Clown. And there's no way a few won't attempt to kill the exorcists and humans in their way.

"Everyone!!" Allen shouted to warn of incoming hoard, transforming her arm already. "A large number of Akuma are heading this way!! Prepare for a fight!!"

Alarmed, everyone turned toward Allen's line of sight and immediately saw the black mass that was getting larger as it came closer. Just as quickly, the rest of the exorcists activated their Innocence weapons.

Only to be shocked when the initial hoard of Akuma flew right past ship. Although Allen was shocked not because of that but by the fact that one of the Akuma had grabbed hold of her, taking her away from the ship.

Before it could even open its mouth, however, Allen sliced it in half. Of course, that also brought the attention of the other Akuma nearby whom decided to try kill the now falling exorcist. Allen took advantage of that, however, by using the incoming Akuma as footholds.

Allen clicked her tongue. 'We're getting farther from the boat...'

'...and closer to the traitor, who's about to emerge as a Fallen.'

'Timcamphy already went to get help, it looks like.'

Just as Neah said this, Lenalee appeared flying through the air, extending an arm for Allen to take (while Timcamphy hid back into Allen's coat). Destroying the current Akuma she stood on, Allen took the offered hand. Before Allen could thank Lenalee, however, a large form appeared nearby.

A blue, floating torso the size of multiple buildings seemed to emerge from nothing. Strange tubes came from the bottom while a halo floated above the neck where the head should be. There was a strange indentation where the heart was located that was surrounded by spikes of some sort; at the current distance, only Allen could see the top half of the exorcist that betrayed its Innocence within.

'Suman Dark, an exorcist who delivered the information of his comrades to the Noah for a chance to live. Such is the sin he is being punished for. Such is the reason he falls.' Crown Clown's voice quieter than usual, but its words could not be heard any louder.

'To live, huh...Honestly, I don't blame him. Humans are simply creatures who fear death, despite the fact that death is proof that they were alive.' Neah's tone, unlike usual, was void of emotion.

'Regardless of his reasons, to his Innocence such an act was betrayal and as such it elected judgement. As his Innocence decided, He will repent for his actions and the lives he led to death through the expenditure his own life.'

Distracted by the strange being, the duo was caught off guard when the swarm of Akuma seemed to double in its efforts to reach the Fallen. Allen was carried away once more, but Lenalee wasn't going to let that happen once more. In mid-air, she activated the second level of her Innocence.

'Otokase!' By utilizing the sound already in the air, Lenalee traveled at the speed of sound to reach Allen. Needless to say, Allen was saved once again in an instant.

Neah whistled. 'With that Innocence, we'll never be able to run away from her.'

'It is quite a good thing that she is a friend, and a kind child over all considering...her unfortunate past.'

'Was she forcefully conscripted?'

Clown's silence was confirmation itself. Neah laughed coldly.

After setting Allen down onto the ground gently and landing herself, Lenalee stared at the being that suddenly appeared and the Akuma rushing to attack it. The Akuma were completely obliterated but there was more already coming. "Were the Akuma aiming for this the whole time...?" It was then, that Lenalee caught sight of Suman inside the being and froze.

Allen, noticing Lenalee not moving, grew worried. "Lenalee, what's wrong?"

It seemed as if Allen's question that snapped Lenalee out of stupor. Shooting her hands up to hold her head in horror, Lenalee fell down and screamed. Allen immediately crouched down to Lenalee's level. 

"Lenalee, calm down—!"

"F-fallen into fault..." This time Allen was the one who went rigid, because Lenalee recognized what Suman turned into. " to become...disciple...Suman's compatible so why...?!"

'She knows what a Fallen, to be more exact she knows of the Fallen formed through incompatible humans attempting to synchronize with Innocence.'

Disdain covered Neah's words. 'It's easy to guess how; must have accidently stumbled on the Order's scientists' tests to create more exorcists. Funny how it's the victims who get punished for that, rather than the perpetrators huh, Clown.'

'...I cannot deny your words.'

Allen tenderly took Lenalee in her arms, turning her head away from the Fallen and Akuma and pressing her ear against her chest, "Lenalee, can you hear my heartbeat? If you can, can you focus on it."

Absentmindedly, Lenalee listened. Allen's heartbeat was slightly fast, but calming and slowly, Lenalee was able to escape her memories (the skeletal boy that waved her goodbye, and she had to watch as that boy was rejected and deemed a failure). Allen's heartbeat, and the song she was humming, grounded her brought her in the present time.

"...A-Allen...?" The humming stopped and Lenalee looked up to see Allen's small smile.

(It sounded like a lullaby, Lenalee noticed. But even though she's smiling, why did Allen look so sad humming it?)

"Welcome back, Lenalee." Lenalee blinked before she realized that Allen's arms were still around her. Blushing, she scrambled out of Allen's embrace and turned away, embarrassed.

"T-thanks, Allen," Shaking her head to get rid of the red in the cheeks, Lenalee then remembered the current situation. She turned to Allen, desperate. "We have to help Suman, Allen!! H-he had a parasite-type Innocence like you, and I-I heard he went missing—!!"

Allen put her hands on Lenalee's, her smile soft. "Lenalee, of course I'll help. He's an important member of the Black Order, right?"


'I know, Clown. The time to say goodbye to everyone will come a little sooner than we thought.'

'Good riddance. All you need by your side is me, Allen.'

'Us. Actually, are you not more like a leech, Noah?'

'Pot meet kettle, you little shi—'

(Allen was well aware that even if they saved Suman, it would still be too late; his Innocence wouldn't ever let him live after what he did. Moreover, as they got closer Neah had even informed her that inside Suman was the Earl's cannibalistic golems so there truly was no way that Suman will live through this. Even so, seeing that glint of hope in Lenalee's eyes was the reason why Allen said she would help.

And besides, with Crown Clown in its current state it's not like Allen would survive the trip to Edo anyways.)  

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