Chapter 12

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Hearing Allen's voice earlier, Lenalee was finally able to wake up from the slumber Komurin put her in.  Groggily she started to stand up.

"I thought I heard Allen's voice...Is she back?"

Lenalee ignored the relieved yells of her brother to look around the area to see Allen unconscious on a pile of robot rubble, Toma and Reever at her side.  In an instant, Lenalee became wide awake, and her eyes shot open.

"Allen!!" Lenalee ran towards the unconscious girl, filled with worry.

Reever began to carry Allen on his back. "She's only fainted from exhaustion.  That's to be expected since she just came back, and this happened to her."

Lenalee sighed in relief and got up with Reever and Toma.  Then she turned to her brother who flinched at her blank stare.

"W-wait Lenalee I can explain!  It was the coffee—!"

Komui didn't get to finish as Lenalee activated her Innocence, Dark Boots, and flew towards her brother.  She gave a hard kick to his side and Komui flew off the elevator, falling down into the abyss that is the Black Order.

"Be ashamed of yourself for a while!" Lenalee scolded.

Everyone else could just watch the scene happen.


Allen woke up to a wet towel being on her head.  She looked at Lenalee who had just put said towel on Allen.

"Lenalee, are you alright?" Allen asked, feeling really tired.

Lenalee jumped in surprise. "Ah! You're awake, Allen!"

Allen smiled at Lenalee. "Sorry for worrying you."

Lenalee smiled back and sat down on a nearby chair.  Allen started to sit herself up on the couch she was laying on.

"Sorry about Nii-san's invention." Lenalee looked a bit embarrassed.

Allen shook her head. "It's not your fault, it's Komui's so don't apologize.  Anyways where are we?"

"This is the public laboratory.  Everyone else went to repair all the damages Komurin brought.  Oh, and this was in your coat." Lenalee held out the Innocence Allen collected with Kanda during her first mission.

Allen looked a bit surprised before taking it with her hands. "I take it to Hevalska right?"

Lenalee nodded, "Hai.  She'll protect it." She then smiled.

"Welcome back, Allen."

Allen gave a gentle smile back, ignoring everything that came from those words.

"I'm back."

Of course, it wasn't long until their nice moment was ruined by the voices of others, but as everyone else greeted her with the same words, she couldn't help but think that this was what she wanted.

No matter how much those words hurt.


"Welcome back Allen, Timcamphy.  Last night was quite troublesome... because of Komui."

"Hahaha!  Stop it Hebra!" Said man was covered in bandages.

Allen held out the Innocence towards Hevalska, and the object floated through the container and into Hevalska.

"This Innocence seems to not yet have an a Accommodater.  I shall protect it...until the Generals arrive." Hevalaska stated.

Komui took this as a chance to speak up. "Including Cross, there are a total of five Generals.  After finishing their missions, they wander around to look for other Innocence users."

Allen nodded and looked down the elevator to see the Innocence enter a certain part of Hevalaska's body.

"That's the inside of Hevalaska right?"

"Yup!  A total of 109 slots for Innocence inside her." Komui added.

"Sleep inside until you find one you are compatible with Innocence...And become a weapon.  This is the 41st piece we have collected...There are many more around the world..."

Allen frowned at what Hevalaska said at the end.

'Crowned Clown, how accurate is that?'

Clown was silent before speaking, Allen able to sense a somewhat sad undertone. 'Hai, there still is a large amount existing, however the original amount of Innocence no longer exists.  Many have been destroyed and Innocence are still disappearing as we speak.'

'In other words...They're starting to make their move.'

'Neah, do you want to meet them?'

Neah sighed. 'Honestly I would like to stay the hell away from them, but I know that's impossible.  We can't avoid them forever.'

Neah's voice got darker. 'They're starting.'

Komui, sensing the silence and tension around Allen, looked towards the girl.

"Is there something wrong Allen?"

Allen turned to Komui with a small smile. "No, it's nothing."

She hatesd lies, yet she's surrounded by them.  She hated herself, but she has no choice but to live.

Allen had a mission after all.


A group of people were eating around a table.  They were unnatural, with their gray skins and stigmata decorating their foreheads and wrists however.

One man ate part of an egg, before spitting it out and beating up the maid that brought it to him.

"Hey, don't show us something like that while we're eating." One scolded.

The first man stopped his assault and stood up, starting to leave.

"I'm leaving.  My taste doesn't match to yours."

"Jeez, just eat the stupid egg you sweet tooth!"

The voice of a girl interrupted. "Calm down, we're trying to eat dinner as a family.  Right Millennium Earl?  Why don't you start explaining why you had us all meet for a meal?

Said man didn't speak, but everyone else already knew the answer.

"Maybe we're starting?"


Extra: (Allen always keeps her promises the best she can)

Komui had this horrible feeling, like someone wanted him killed.  But what could he have possibly done to irritate someone?

"Komui." A gentle voice spoke.

Komui turned and saw Allen smiling.  He was about to greet her when he froze.

Was that an execution axe she was holding?  How did she get that?

"A-Allen?" Komui asked nervously.

Said girl just swung the ax over her shoulder, the weapon's handle resting there as Komui flinched at the movement.

Allen kept giving a smile. "I promised that I would murder you so here I am!" She was so cheerful.

Komui screamed.


And he woke up covered in sweat.  Frantically looking around and seeing no one there, Komui relaxed filled with relief.

"It was just a dream."

"No, it wasn't."

And there was Allen, with the same ax and smile Komui just saw.


"Bye Komui!" Allen sounded so cheerful when she swung the ax down.

(After about a hundred times, it finally stopped, and everyone questioned while Komui was so fearful of Allen for a while.)

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