Chapter 11

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As Kanda headed towards his new destination, something kept coming back to his head.  Something that the newbie had said before they separated.

Just as the two Accommodators were about to go their separate ways, Allen had suddenly called out.

"Ah Kanda, I forgot to say something!"

Irritated at how late this remark came, Kanda stopped and growled back, "What the hell do you want Moyashi?!?"

With her own tick mark, Allen automatically replied back with equal amount of yelling. "It's Allen Bakanda!!!!"

Kanda clicked his tongue. "So, what the hell do you want?"

Allen calmed down before answering. "I just wanted to say thank you."

Kanda raised an eyebrow, "What for Moyashi?  Saving your ass?"

Allen resisted the urge to jab back and took a deep breath. "No, not that.  I want to thank you for being honest with your opinion of me, no matter how much I disliked it."

"And you thank me for that why?"

Allen smiled, yet her face showing no emotion. "I don't like lies, and deception in general.  My smiles may sometimes be fake, but I always try to make sure to tell the truth when needed.  Secrets and lies are two different matters after all.  And when I do tell lies, well it's not a pleasant feeling."

Kanda felt unsettled looking back onto that conversation.  In the end, Allen turned away before Kanda could answer and left.  Kanda thought the Moyashi was a weak, naive girl but now he's not so sure.

'Tch, stupid Moyashi like hell she'll get to me.'

Meanwhile with our protagonist...

'Run Allen run!!!!'

'I question the sanity of your supervisor.'

...Allen was running away from a giant robot.

"Komui, when I get my hands on you...!!"

Said man felt shivers as he was tied up but was too distracted with his mixed feelings to actually acknowledge his forewarning of doom.


Moments earlier...

"Why do I have this horrible feeling?"

Allen and Toma had just arrived back at the Black Order when Allen absentmindedly said that.  Toma just looked at her in slight confusion.

"Well, I am not sure what you mean by that, but nevertheless we have arrived back." Toma replied.

'Don't worry Allen it's most likely nothing.'

'I hope so, Clown."

'Well, what's the worst that can happen?'

And right when Neah said that Allen froze. Unseen to Toma, her face darkened.

'Neah, I will kill—no annihilate you.  You just jinxed it, Neah.'

Neah then thought about what he just said, and gulped, chuckling nervously. 'Oops?'

'I will get your grave ready.'

'You're not helping you damned piece of worthless junk!!!'

'I'm sorry, I thought I heard a rodent squeaking nearby.'

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