Chapter 5

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"We were finally able to get them in the seal."

"Do not let them out, even after you die."

"At least we were able to buy some time now. But that one in the middle has killed a lot of people, captain—"

Red stained white as a man falls down with holes in what's left of his head. The other finder turns around in fear as maniacal laughter echoes throughout the area.

"HahahHahAHahAhHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'M aN AkUMa, CrEAtEd fRoM DaRK mATter..."

"Crap, this one's evolving—!"

Yet again white turns into pink before submitting to the dark hue of blood. The cage that had once held the evolving Akuma shattered easily, and a figure emerged. It bears little resemblance to the creature that was once held inside.

"tHanK YoU......For raising me."

Static was the only thing that could be heard through the communicator after horrifying news came through it. A Level Two Akuma was in the area.


Although Allen was unhappy, she made no verbal complaints on jumping onto a train to ride it to get to their destination (in a way that was technically illegal, and she likes her life crime-free despite how that hope will never come true with her luck). They were headed to the ancient city of Martel, to find the ghost that resides within. To find the Innocence before the Akuma and Millenium Earl get ahold of it.

The exorcist duo resided within a first-class section of the train they "hopped onto," as their finder for this mission stood directly outside the room. Both individual exorcists knew what to do once they got to their destination, so the ride had been horribly silent.

Allen, deciding that reading the report of the Innocence was too troublesome, asked Crown Clown about the mission instead.

'Clown, do you know anything about the Innocence in Martel?'

'Although the rumors say that the ghost was a former citizen of the city, it is actually a doll that is powered by Innocence built by the citizens,' Clown informed.

Allen was surprised, but she didn't show it on her face since Kanda was right in front of her. 'I see...Anything else?'

'The Innocence itself seems to have given the doll a personality after a certain incident, resulting in the doll appearing more human than normal. Although as for the incident itself I do not have many details.'

Because Crown Clown is Innocence, it is able to 'communicate' with other Innocence and gain information about its location and condition easier than humans. In fact, whenever Crowned Clown disappears (the voice at least) usually it's because it is communicating with other Innocence fragments.

(The only reason Crown Clown is able to provide this kind of information and communicate in general to its host is because it is different than most Innocence. Although its host is also a factor).

Neah decided to butt in. 'But doesn't that go to show that Innocence are actually defying God by creating life in a way? Since only Gos should be able to do that?'

Clown deadpanned. 'Says the man who has a relative dragging souls from the afterlife to create weapons out of them.'

'I want nothing to do with that man anymore,' Neah spat.

Deciding to opt on ignoring the argument (again) by the two voices, Allen decided to take a risk by socializing with the man in front of her.

"Kanda, do you believe we should have a plan for this mission?" Allen asked.

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