Chapter 32

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"Bye bye, Suman."

As the figure from behind Allen made its appearance, the blood splatter that was Suman seemed to bubble. From the pool of blood, a hoard of purple butterflies emerged and flew towards the figure, getting absorbed into the palms of his hands. The figure had grey skin and stigmata carved into his forehead, like Road.

"Oh?" The Noah, Tyki Mikk, glanced at Allen as he approached, instantly recognizing her. "Aren't you the girl from the train?"

Allen was about to slip into blissful unconsciousness (Timcamphy got away and that's all that matters) when her eyes shot open at the familiar voice; she didn't expect to see this Noah so soon again. Without his stupid glasses, the man truly looked similar to Neah. She glared at the man. "Y-you're from the train...N-Noah...!"

Tyki tilted his head, surprised. "Hmm, do you recognize me? I didn't expect that, since my white and black forms look completely different from each other." And then he seemed to remember something. "Oh yeah, is your name Allen Walker?"

Allen's answer to that was backhand to Tyki's face. Allen flinched from the pain that shot through Clown, but it was worth it.

Tyki, however, only laughed at Allen's attack. Taking out a cigarette to smoke, Tyki decided to explain his ability and the butterflies that emerged from Suman (not that Allen needed it; Neah already explained).

'How's Clown?'

'Horrible; you really pushed too much this time Allen,' Neah wasn't insulting Clown which revealed how bad the situation was. 'Clown won't be able to help you for a while; he'll need time to properly recover. Not that Joyd over there will help.'

Allen let out a huff mentally, warily eyeing the still-talking Noah (quite the chatterbox, he was). 'Even that time with Road wasn't as bad as now. And the situation's only going to get worse now.'

'Well at the very least, you will not die here.' The Noah plunged his arm through Allen's heart using his power, but she did not even flinch.

'Yeah,' Allen stared straight at the Noah 's crazed expression as he had his hand over her heart with clear eyes, 'I will not die here. Neither you nor Clown would let me, after all.'

The Noah sighed, losing interest after seeing the lack of despair on Allen's face. "How boring. Don't worry, I'm not going to rip your heart out since I don't want to get my gloves dirty; that's why I have the Tease. And since Suman cooperated with me, I decided to use him as a breeding ground for them instead of killing him immediately like the other two." Tyki held up a hand and what seemed like a card appeared over it.

'And after this Neah,'

"Ah right, currently I am wandering around and eliminating people connected with a certain someone. So just to clarify," Tyki smiled genially, "you are 'Allen Walker', correct?"

'You can finally take over, if you wish.'


Despite the hole in her heart and having once less arm now, Allen managed to twitch her bloody lips upwards.

'Go ahead, Neah.'

Unbeknownst to Tyki, Allen's body jerked ever so slightly. Her eyes turned gold and her smile turned sinister; it was a smile that would not be out of place on a Noah.

'Of course, Al.'


Tyki Mikk sighed, disappointed at the lack of fight and despair from Allen. Even after tearing her arm (Innocence, the Noah in him sneered) off and destroying it in front of her, the girl stayed bright eyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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