The sting

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"A father said to son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said , " I give you mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine or my fathers before me; I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment now and then and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it." Dale finishes, shrugging as I look around at people calm faces, some looking down deep in thought.

"You are so weird." I couldn't stop myself from making a comment, some laughed at what I said. Dale smiled down at me and shrugged lightly.

"It's not me. It's Faulkner." Dale says, I shrug and nod my head as if I knew who that was. "Maybe my bad paraphrasing." He adds shrugging again.

Amy gets up making me look her way with confusion.

"Where are you going?" Andrea ask her sister, Amy pauses and looks down at her

"I have to pee. Jeez, you try to be discreet around here- - " Amy turns and heads for the r.v, I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

Every one returns to their conversations, some still eating in silence. I wasn't eating nor was I talking. I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder back to the fire, how the flames were aloud to be big and dance around in the rocks that circled it.

I started to lean towards it when a scream sliced through the ringing silence , I whip my head towards where it came from.

A chocked gasp came from my mouth at what was in my eye sight, Amy, a freak biting Amy's arm. Just then more freaks showed themselves from the trees with the arms stretched for all of us.

It all happened so fast, the screams were the only thing I could hear, freaks would lunge towards me but I would dodge them, and all that I could see in that moment was blood. Peoples and freaks combined.

I fell to the ground, something heavy weighing me down. I couldn't push it off me. I realized that my eyes closed and I forced them open, only to be met with lifeless grey eyes.

Shit, shit shit shit shit shit.

I tried pushing it off me but it wouldn't budge, of course it wouldn't. Something poked me in the back, digging myself into the ground as I try to get away from the freak.

Another one came into view, stumbling towards me. There was no time to think. I didn't care if I got caught lieing about not being armed. It was life or death for me right know.

I could feel it picking my back even more, I hiss as I bring a shaky hand around my mid and pull out the knife I've not used since I came into the camp.

I almost laugh with relief when I managed to bring it up and shove it with all my strength into the freaks head, it chokes on a sound before going limp on top of me, the other freak kneeling down by my side.

My eyes widen and I start to struggle with taking the first one off of me, my knife still in its head. I tried pulling it out but I couldn't. It was stuck in its dead ugly bald head.


"Shit shit shit shit." I cursed out loud. Is this where I'm going to die? Right here. On the cold ground, with a freak on top of me. A great away to go, no?

I wanted to scream for help, but I didn't. Nothing came out. My struggled grunts and whimpers the only thing that filled my ears. Just as the freaks mouth came towards my head, i swooshing sound was heard...

And everything came at once.

I could hear the screams, the gunshots were louder than before, and the freak on top off me was thrown off me. The other one had a arrow stuck in it eye and laid limp besides me.

"Come on, kid!" I hear a rough voice say before I'm being picked up and running along someone else, their hand wrapped around mine as if to make sure I don't let go. Their hand was rough but soft at the same time.

I suddenly came to a stop, and the person let go of my hand with a loud huff. I look up to see it was Merle's brother, daryl?

"Thanks." I state as I look around at everyone, shocked and hurt expressions on everyone's face as they also looked around the damaged camp. I saw that all the freaks were limp on the ground, dead. Officially dead.

The sting on my lower back comes back as well.I hiss as I bring a hand around and I slowly touch the spruce of the sting with my fingertips. That was a bad idea.

"Ow." I hiss a little bit louder before I could think, hot sting running up my spine, I feel someone take my shoulders and shake me. I look up at daryl, he's still there?

"You alright?" He ask me, although I can't hide my surprise expression that he even cared. I shake my head and turn around and point to where the stinging is coming from.

I hear him sharply exhale, his eyes burning my back.

Just then I hear wailing, a feminine cry. I turn around to see that it was Andrea, leaning over a blonde -Amy. Amy was lying on the ground limp. Blood coating her upper body.

"Holy shit." I gasp, my body starting to feel light and the stinging tenses. I can feel my knees start to go weak and a pair of different softer hands grab my arms and turn me around.

I huff out of exhaustion and sorrow. I look up at Glenn's face, relief flooding through me for a few seconds before I'm pulled into his arms, it takes me a while to register that he was hugging me.

It felt warm and... comforting? I pat his back as if in appreciation to his comfort. I look around to see that daryl has gone somewhere else, and Glenn was holding tightly to a weapon.

I pull away from Glenn when I feel the heat from my lower back come back. I turn around and roll my shirt up so he can see it, he gasp and swats my hands away so they drop to my side.

He leads me to the R.V and seats me on the couch near the window, I hiss with my back comes into contact with the cushions.

"Stay right there, I'm going to get you some help." He tells me, his eyes holding nothing but determination, I sigh before nodding softly at him.

I hear the door shut , I blink my eyes several times when they try to close. My head hits the wall behind me, making my back hit the cushions again which send another wave of heat and sting through me that I couldn't take.

Slowly my eyes starts to close, all I hear is my own breathing slowing down...

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